If you observe carefully, you will find that some runners with particularly high mileage do indeed look older than their actual age.

Healthy Running Bar will accompany you with scientific running, healthy running, happy running…

Only by slowing down can we truly get faster.

Relaxing and stretching is the key to training, whether you are a serious runner or trying to refresh your PB, aerobic jogging is essential.

Therefore, we suggest that running enthusiasts arrange their running plans reasonably, give their bodies enough rest time, adapt to the workload of exercise, and avoid excessive fatigue.

In addition, overwork can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to diseases and making you even older

Firstly, the number of runs is too dense.

We need to note that running too frequently can place a huge burden on the body, easily causing various injuries such as muscle fatigue and joint problems, and naturally accelerating aging.

Why is aerobic jogging so important? For more information, see the original article “Jogging is the King!” by the Health Running Bar.

Basically, every day of training needs to reach a state of exhaustion in order to feel satisfied.

Some running enthusiasts, in pursuit of better results, run every day; Even some overly addicted runners choose to run twice a day without giving their bodies any time to recover.

running beanie

Excessive heart rate and respiratory rate can increase the burden on the heart and increase the risk of joint and muscle damage.

Today, we are discussing several running methods that can accelerate aging with everyone.

However, long-term excessive exercise can lead to a decrease in the body’s antioxidant capacity and an increase in the production of free radicals, which can actually accelerate aging.

High intensity running training can help you improve endurance and speed, but if you always run at ultra-high intensity, it can have a negative impact on the body in the long run.

1200 original content running on official account can make people younger, but if your friends around tell you clearly how you look old, you should pay attention! Running itself can make people more energetic and youthful.

That is to say, the wrong way of running may lead to accelerated aging.

For example, some runners always arrange their own plans with long-distance, interval running and high-intensity Strength training, but they forget the important part – aerobic jogging.

Why not recommend running every day? For more information, see the original article “Why not recommend running every day, be careful if these injuries come to you!” (click on the title directly to jump) Secondly, some runners with excessive running intensity really like intensity.

By KingWay