Some runners also say that every time the world wakes up, it’s after running 5 kilometers, because running 5 kilometers is equivalent to dating.

The official account often exercises regularly, especially running, which can bring many benefits, including increasing happiness and improving health.

Some runners say that three kilometers are dedicated to treating all kinds of discomfort, five kilometers are dedicated to treating all kinds of internal injuries, and after ten kilometers, one’s heart is full of openness and kindness.

Whether it’s running or interpersonal relationships, it takes patience and effort to transition from unfamiliarity to familiarity, and then to intimacy

Many people like it one after another, which is probably a common experience for most runners.

After running, it seems like they have left all the distractions behind, as if their thinking has become clearer, they no longer feel confused or entangled, but can clearly know what they should do.

This feeling makes people deeply appreciate the beauty of sports.

Running and falling in love can make you feel younger and more energetic, but the investment in love is not necessarily proportional to the return, and the investment in running must have corresponding rewards.

The relationship between you and running is like a lover.

According to a study in the World Journal, those who exercise regularly experience 29% more happiness than those who do not exercise, and those who exercise enough experience 52% more happiness than those who are not physically active.

Lao Wang’s 243 original stories about running: a grass root runner.

From initial unfamiliarity, to gradual familiarity, and finally to intimacy, this is a natural process of interpersonal interaction.

After running for more than 30 minutes, the energy supply of the body reaches a balance, the heart rate is stable, and breathing is regular.

In addition, running for 150 minutes a week, 30 minutes each time, and exercising regularly 5 times a week can bring more benefits, such as enhancing cardiovascular function, reducing weight, and reducing disease risk.

This is because the brain releases the hormone dopamine, which makes people feel high and happy.

At this time, a feeling called “runner climax” will occur, and the body will feel full of energy.

Similarly, when you encounter a stranger, you may feel a bit uncomfortable, but as you spend more time together, you will gradually understand their personality and habits, and establish trust and affection between each other.

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Running can indeed make people feel the feeling of love, making their heart beat faster, deer bump around, and their faces blush.

Just like running, although you may not be good at it at first, over time, you will gradually become familiar with the techniques and rhythm of running and eventually become a running enthusiast.

Therefore, before finding a reliable love, dating a runner is the most reliable choice.

By KingWay