Every day, 100 Push-up, 100 Sit-up, 100 squats, and then run another 10km.

This training method is referred to by netizens as the “One Fist Superman Challenge”.

Everyone knows that ‘keep your mouth shut and step out of your legs’ is a weight loss ritual, but how many people really laughed until the end? Because of this, when we see the huge contrast before and after slimming, it is greatly touched.

Later, under the influence of their father and son, the whole family began to exercise, with their mother walking briskly and their daughter-in-law practicing yoga and Pilates.

And today’s protagonist’s slimming style is not only inspirational, but also interesting, because the exercise style he borrowed was actually created through fictional Japanese comics.

It has also been widely spread.

For sports slimming, there is indeed no shortcut, only gritting one’s teeth and persevering, in order to burn fat, doing multiple types of exercise, and freely shedding sweat.

So a Singaporean uncle named Sean Seah joined the “One Fist Superman Challenge” after discovering he was overweight, thus becoming an internet celebrity.

It’s much more boring than running, and it’s more like a form of discipline and cultivation.

When our bodies experience health conditions and we need to reflect on our determination to lose weight, this process is indeed painful and agonizing.

He hopes to lose weight, shape, and regain a healthy figure through these exercises

In ‘One Fist Superman’, Qiyu opened up superheroes through this method.

The father and son transformed from a greasy man to an abdominal man, and both appeared young and sturdy, with doubled energy and confidence, becoming outgoing and confident.

There is a saying that sounds very heartwarming: “Ugly bodies are strange, but beautiful bodies must be slim”! There may be many reasons for gaining weight, but the most unforgivable one is only one: bad lifestyle habits! Binge eating, began to indulge the body.

Nowadays, there is a popular trend in society for cool dramas, and the slimming comparison chart can also be called a “cool chart”, which is very positive and highly praised by the public because of its healthy approach, significant effects, and great benefits to life.

Only by persevering until the end can you realize that it’s actually a form of enjoyment.

The atmosphere of exercising together was really good, and compared before and after, everyone seemed to be 10 years younger, except for Baby.

The entire process of slimming is very inspiring, but also very difficult.

This is a popular slimming story from a few years ago: photographer Jesse Ono and his father worked out together for more than half a year.

Losing weight is indeed an anti human process, a huge test of willpower and physical ability.

running beanie

Every ten days, Jesse Ono records changes in her body, and it’s not easy to persevere.

By KingWay