Here is the sharing content: Hello everyone, I am Fan Zhaoshi, a 50 year old enterprise manager.

Hello, I am Coach Zhang Zhanhui.

Through running, he has changed various physical problems, greatly increased his energy, and his drowsiness in the afternoon has almost disappeared; Secondly, the symptoms of lumbar and leg numbness have been greatly reduced, and the symptoms of standing for a long time have also been significantly alleviated.

The coaches told us that as long as we follow their method, we can easily complete half a horse in six months.

The physical examination results showed that I had a herniated lumbar disc, which I thought was irreversible until I came into contact with running.

After joining the running training camp, I underwent a tremendous transformation

Why are our bodies becoming increasingly uncomfortable? You will find that as we age and are busy with work, most of us find it difficult to maintain regular exercise.

If you ask me about my exercise habits 20 years ago, I will tell you – almost none.

If you have similar questions, I believe today’s sharing will definitely inspire you.

However, I found in the promotional materials of the training camp that running does not necessarily lead to knee injuries.

Although I received treatment, the problem of scapulohumeral periodontitis has erupted again since 2021, and I feel severe pain when I press my shoulders while sleeping.

Long term sedentary work and lack of exercise have greatly reduced my physical fitness.

However, starting from 2022, I discovered Zhang Zhanhui’s running training camp and became interested in it.

In my heart, running always carries two labels: weight loss and difficulty sticking, especially for middle-aged people like us, running seems like a nightmare for our knees.

I read the content of the relevant official account and felt that it seemed a bit magical.

So in September 2022, I signed up for a one month course and wanted to have a try.

This goal was once unattainable in my eyes, but I have deep trust in Teacher Zhan Hui’s team, and I have decided to give it a try.

The student from the Easy Running Online Training Camp we shared today is already 50 years old.

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Coupled with prolonged sitting and immense pressure, we can bring a lot of troubles from our lumbar spine, shoulders and neck to sleep.

I tried running in 2016, but my knee was injured, so I gave up.

About four or five years ago, I was troubled by scapulohumeral periodontitis.

I want to share with you my experience at Zhang Zhanhui Easy Running Training Camp and see how it has changed my life.

The quality of sleep is deteriorating, with frequent drowsiness in the afternoon and continuous problems in the lumbar spine and shoulder area.

I can feel stabbing pain in my lower back even standing for 10 minutes, and I suffer from insomnia at night due to numbness in my lower back and legs.

By KingWay