She ran for the first time for the same reason as many runners: losing weight.

Especially when you see that the runners around you are doing well, you will start to self doubt yourself.

Lucy has been running for over 10 years, and her family’s running shoes have moved with her countless times.

He had to do his best in every race to achieve results and not disappoint any race.

The oldest and worn-out shoe rack is always Lucy’s favorite, and she has run multiple marathons with her, big and small, but refuses to lose it.

When 37 year old Kaka ran a marathon, he set himself the goal of “completing the race safely”.

Although he was still at the age of 37 and could fight for it, he had already lost his consciousness of competition ten years ago, and the victory or defeat was only fleeting in their eyes.

In youth, there are always many wild and unrestrained waves, but time has faded the childishness from the body, leaving traces of not only aging but also composure.

This is the 1401st original article by NuclearKitty, and the most direct manifestation of her growth is recalling her past self in two words: childish.

Liking is important, but fitting is more important than liking.

Adhering to the core idea of “just wanting to be the most eye-catching kid on the playground”, Lucy, who was 26 years old, saw every piece of equipment as indispensable.

When he was young and full of energy, he was always blinded by the desire to win or lose, and Kaka was no exception.

The highlight moment is temporary, and enjoying the entire race process is even more memorable

No longer anxious about the performance of others, lying flat when unable to move.

The truth that was not understood in youth seems to gradually emerge in the sedimentation of time.

Now, 36 year old Lucy’s perspective on equipment has changed.

At the age of 27, Kaka felt inexplicable shame when running a marathon because he didn’t have a PB.

fanny pack for gym

Only see if the results meet expectations.

Looking back on the scene of running a race ten years ago, I can only remember how terrifying my face was, and I can’t recall the joy of so many races at all.

The transformation from a period of ignorance to a mature field, the awakening from idealism to realism, and the tempering of rationality over sensibility.

At the tenth lap, her running shoes began to grind, and that painful experience left her unforgettable for a lifetime.

At an age where novelty outweighed everything, equipment seemed more important to her than running at a certain pace, but it wasn’t until she really started running that she realized that the theory of “beauty is justice” was completely impractical.

Even if you run out of luck, you must grit your teeth and run towards the finish line, regardless of the process.

Kaka, who started preparing for the race three months before running, finds it difficult to accept the gap caused by poor results.

She was confident in her preparation work and was fully equipped from head to toe.

By KingWay