The best way is to slowly move to both sides of the runway and then gradually stop# 02 blocks the road and runs side by side.

If you encounter these strange things, why do you still run? Going back to your hometown by the road is not a bad thing, but there are countless strange things besides running against the road.

At the same time, slower runners or fast walking friends should use outer lanes and let faster runners run inner lanes, which is also a consideration for sports safety# If someone runs closely behind me or even overtakes me and pushes me down the road, I will definitely feel a lot of pressure.

Many runners like to run side by side, feeling that this way of running not only has companionship but also not loneliness.

During the run, they can also chat from time to time.

seamless bandana

With so many roads, why do you like me? Please note: It is not advisable to run after others!!! Although the two of them have similar speeds, they should maintain a safe distance.

Especially male runners should not run silently behind unfamiliar female runners

If there is any discomfort or sudden situation during the running process, do not suddenly stop or squat.

Suddenly, my heart became angry and angry.

It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters or more compared to the former, so that the runners in front do not feel pressure behind them.

This not only easily causes injuries to both sides, but also affects other runners, and can disrupt the running speed, causing no harm or benefit.

I feel that I can be stepped on and surpassed anytime and anywhere, causing a lot of distraction and inability to concentrate on running.

May I ask: Do you actually know how to run? Last week, I took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk, but when I was running, I met someone who was running against the road and almost bumped into each other.

Here are some common behaviors to see if you have been hit# 01 Squatting or stopping without warning during the running process, the most fearful thing is to suddenly stop.

This is a very dangerous behavior, as the runners behind you may not be able to dodge and collide with you.

However, I still had to keep smiling and silently recite ‘peace and love’ in my heart.

The running speed of different runners will definitely vary.

The worst thing is to have to run down the road from behind, which is really unbearable.

There are many wonderful flowers every year, especially during running! Whenever and anywhere, the good mood brought about by running suddenly plummets to the bottom.

But this way of running often hinders the route of runners behind and disrupts the running frequency of others.

So when running, refuse to run side by side.

If encountering such obstacles during the run, it is inevitable to slow down or stop, wasting time and damaging the mood.

It’s really despicable! Go for a run to be happy.

By KingWay