Every time I run, I can feel the changes in nature and experience elements such as sunshine, wind, and rain, which brings a deeper experience to my practice and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine

However, since I started running and became a vegetarian, my fatigue has significantly decreased.

After running, all I can feel is happiness.

I have to face many patients every day, busy and tired.

Psychologists’ experiments have shown that running can alleviate stress, cure depression, and the secretion of dopamine can increase happiness, making people more optimistic and proactive, and facing life calmly.

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I work very hard in clinical practice.

I firmly believe that traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can run and through running, they can gain abundant energy and energy, making their lives more radiant.

In my opinion, when I feel uneasy, irritable, anxious, or depressed inside, I will choose to run.

The more you run, the stronger your heart is.

running sling bag

Running allows me to enter a state of freedom and tranquility, and even allows me to feel a realm without time and space limitations.

Therefore, some people believe that traditional Chinese medicine should not run.

I believe that running helps to reach this level.

On the one hand, running makes people feel happy and free from negative emotions such as resentment, anger, and worry; On the other hand, when running, both the body and mind are in a relaxed state, and the more relaxed we are, the more our hearts can protect our spirit.

Although running is just a form of fitness exercise, when we run, our hearts also enter a state of inner emptiness.

The highest realm of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation is “tranquility and emptiness, from which true qi follows; inner preservation of the spirit, and peace of mind for illness.

In addition to the benefits of physical and mental health, running also has a positive impact on the practice of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

Author: Dong Hongtao, born in Weihai, Shandong, with a medical doctor and author of “Choosing Traditional Chinese Medicine”.

However, as a pure Chinese medicine practitioner, I hold a different view on this.

“I want to add a little bit of my own experience, and running is also the way to discover oneself.

“There is a saying in the book:” Running is the entrance to another world, and it is also the path to indescribable experiences.

I need to diagnose pulse, differentiate syndromes and prescribe prescriptions, and give patients acupuncture and moxibustion.

Even though I am busy with medical work, I can still maintain a balance and vitality in my body and mind.

As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who loves running, I often realize that although my body is exercising, my heart becomes more peaceful.

Compared to meditation, it seems easier to find oneself through running.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes observing nature, perceiving climate change, and experiencing the Five Elements, while running brings me closer to nature.

Many people have told me that running is a form of exercise in Western civilization, while traditional Chinese medicine does not advocate running.

By KingWay