Meanwhile, by arranging running breaks reasonably, the risk of injury can be reduced, training effectiveness can be improved, and long-term running motivation can be maintained.

The accumulation of fatigue and stress may also affect the quality of your sleep, leading to insomnia and fatigue.

Healthy Running Bar will accompany you with scientific running, healthy running, happy running…

Overtraining may lead to a decrease in the body’s immune system and susceptibility to infection.

Muscle strain.

Long term tense physical conditions may lead to endocrine disorders and affect the normal function of the immune system.

(3) If you persist in running every day for a long time, even high-intensity running every day, it may lead to a series of injuries and illnesses.

1200 original content official account Dear runners, do you have many runners running every day? Some runners insist on running for hundreds or even thousands of days without interruption, which is indeed great! But! It is recommended to combine running and rest for a healthy run.

It seems that whoever insists on running for more days is even more impressive…

Therefore, we need to rest intermittently to allow our body to fully relax and recover, and to run healthier.

Running injury.

(1) Take a look at running circles: there are many runners who run every day, many long-distance runners who run every day, and even many people who run marathons every day…

(2) Running is a full body exercise that puts great pressure on muscles, bones, and joints.

Especially without sufficient warm-up or stretching, sudden increase in exercise intensity can easily cause excessive muscle strain

Especially on some social media, many people are proud of “high intensity every day”, which has led to many runners also starting to imitate each other.

running beanie

If you don’t pay attention to running and rest, your body won’t fully recover, and a series of bad situations will occur.


To prevent ‘running knees’, it is necessary to arrange running intensity and distance reasonably, gradually increase running volume, strengthen warm-up and stretching exercises before and after running, choose suitable running shoes and surfaces to reduce impact on joints and bones.


Once this period has passed, these runners either need to pursue higher intensity in order to stimulate more likes from others; Either end your running career with an injury, or even stay away from the running circle.

Overtraining and improper running posture can lead to muscle strain.

And if you carefully observe these runners, They either want to attract attention or enjoy receiving compliments from others.

Excessive running can cause running injuries, such as the so-called ‘running knee’, where pain occurs in different positions of the knee, often caused by repeated high-intensity impacts and repetitive movements.

By KingWay