However, excessive exercise is the opposite, which may cause a series of risk damages such as muscle strain.

They run a lot every day, and after running for a few years, they really broke their knees.

But without experience and scientific running, it is still easy to get injured.

Many people run regularly without any problems because they pay attention to and avoid many injuries during the running process, and actively learn scientific and reasonable running methods.

Some people also say that excessive exercise can easily lead to mental decline, leading to a series of situations such as lack of concentration and slow thinking response.

Excessive running can cause knee injuries.

Also, there are posture adjustments during the running process, such as flattening the road and leaning forward slightly.

What are the negative aspects of running? Many people believe that running can damage joints.

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In fact, all the “drawbacks” of running mentioned above arise from the premise of running excessively.

Too large a stride can easily cause knee injuries

After running, even if you are tired, do stretching.

In fact, not only running, but doing anything should be done according to one’s own abilities.

I have a couple in my hometown who started running 10 years ago and are very active.

Because running puts more force on the knee and ankle joints than normal walking, this force repeatedly acts on the joints, causing joint friction and potentially damaging the joints in the long run.

We all know that running has many benefits, but some people hold the objection that running will cause a series of discomfort.

When a person runs, their muscles in all parts of the body will exert force, and they can exercise moderately.

The range of running should be smaller and the frequency should be faster, which will reduce the pressure on the legs.

We need to know that during running, the weight impact on our knees is three times that of walking.

Some people may say, ‘Who wouldn’t know how to run? Why do you need scientific running?’? Indeed, the threshold for running is low, and you can run as soon as you get on the road.

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The drawbacks of running, I think, may be due to not being suitable for running, or rather to the lack of scientific running.

Speaking of it, I have been running for 4 years and have not experienced any discomfort such as leg pain so far.

If these two steps are done well, there will be basically no pain.

Some people also say that running belongs to systemic exercise.

The muscles in all parts of the body will also receive appropriate stimulation, becoming stronger and stronger.

The most basic thing is to warm up before running, allowing the body to warm up and adapt to the rhythm of the run.

Facing mountainous areas like Guizhou, there are particularly many uphill and downhill slopes, mainly downhill.

Some people say that excessive running can cause knee pain.

By KingWay