RRI stands for running related injuries, which refers to the pain that occurs during running, including muscle pain, ligament pain, and bone pain.

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Today, we share an article published in SCI journal with an impact factor of 1.4 in Applied Biomechanics Zone 4, based on a prospective biomechanical study of running related Achilles tendon injuries among leisure runners.

Research data synthesis analysis: The high degree of knee joint flexion during initial contact (odds ratio 1.146, P=0.034) and mid standing (odds ratio 1.143, P=0.037) are important predictive factors for the occurrence of AT (knee running related injury) RRI.

Based on a one-year follow-up Prospective cohort study based on normal and skewed, T-test and Logistic regression prediction statistics were used.

This study: At the beginning of the study, 108 participants completed a set of survey questionnaires.

Introduction: Running is becoming increasingly popular, mainly because it is beneficial for health.

These injuries are usually caused by factors such as excessive use, improper training, or inappropriate shoes.

Data status: In recent years, the number of runners worldwide has increased to over 60 million.

Research results: The results indicate that an increase in knee joint flexion by 1 degree during initial contact and standing is associated with a 15% increased risk of atRRI, leading to training limitations or cessation of running for runners.

Background: Relatively few studies have attempted to prospectively identify biomechanical risk factors associated with Achilles tendon (AT) injury.

Out of 103 participants, 25% of the samples (15 males and 11 females) reported ATRRI in the right lower limb during the one-year evaluation period.

Intriguing: Therefore, the aim is to prospectively identify potential biomechanical risk factors associated with AT injury in leisure and healthy runners.

Conducted a biomechanical analysis of running at the chosen running speed.

However, up to 79% of leisure runners have reported running related injuries (RRIs) and often result in individuals stopping or limiting their runs.

Introduced into this research (supported by Big data): big: Achilles tendon (AT) pain is one of the most common RRIs, with a incidence rate of 22% among leisure runners

RRI may affect runners’ training plans and performance.

Evaluate the incidence of running related injury (RRI) in AT after 1 year using a standardized RRI questionnaire that is conducted once a week.

The potential biomechanical risk factors for the development of ATRRI injury were identified using multivariate logistic regression analysis.

By KingWay