In addition, Middle-distance running will accelerate blood circulation, so that the coronary artery has enough blood to supply the heart muscle, thus preventing various heart diseases.

While increasing the VO2 max, the oxygen delivered to various organs of the body is greatly increased, and the working quality of various organs is naturally greatly improved.

The changes in body shape caused by waist running are first reflected in the waist.

Some people say that running for a hundred miles only hurts one knee, and there is a certain truth to this statement.

Of course, what is even more enviable is that no matter how you eat, you won’t get fat.


Gastrointestinal Middle-distance running makes people full and optimistic, which helps to increase appetite, strengthen digestion function and promote nutrition absorption.

Runners who have watched ‘How can running benefit businesses?’ know better that running can also strengthen the brain and stimulate creativity.


Most people who persist in running have suffered from knee injuries to some extent.

By exercising the lower limbs, it can promote venous blood flow back to the heart and prevent the formation of venous thrombosis.

But with the gradual accumulation of jogging volume and strength training, the knees are now becoming stronger and stronger.

Many runners have experienced this experience: after starting to run for a period of time, there is no significant weight loss, but the figure has significantly improved, especially the waistline has become more beautiful.

Those who follow Jilin Running Group’s WeChat to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life know that running has many benefits.

Today we will follow this topic and see what benefits running has for human and mental health! The benefits of running to the human body: 1.

But runners who have been running for more than ten years say that they will also encounter the same problem when they first start running, and some people may experience knee pain even if they walk fast.

Persisting in running will give you a strong heart and cardiovascular system function.

People who frequently sit in front of a computer may have some problems with their neck, shoulders, and spine.

The blood has a powerful cardiovascular system, and the blood quality of runners is also better than that of ordinary people.

The correct running posture requires a straight and relaxed back, and long-term persistence can greatly improve discomfort in the neck and shoulders.

7 Long term Middle-distance running exercise of lung and respiratory system can strengthen lung function and increase Vital capacity – regular long distance running can develop Muscles of respiration of lung, increase the volume of air change each time and enhance lung function.

However, you also need aerobic exercise such as running to remove the thick fat packaging outside your abdominal muscles

A flat or obvious abdominal groove is a dream for many people, and the advice of many fitness coaches and online crazy exercises such as abdominal muscle tearing can help you strengthen your abdominal muscles.

The body’s adaptation to long-term Middle-distance running can improve metabolism, reduce blood lipid and cholesterol levels.

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By KingWay