running beanie

When it is hot, you can consider drinking some Sports drink to supplement the lost electrolyte and prevent electrolyte imbalance.

88 original content official account click to follow the “running professor”, and update running dry goods every day.

1、 Keeping warm or cooling down is the first thing to do after a long run.

2、 Whether the weather is cold or hot, replenish water after running.

After consuming protein, muscles begin to recover.

Food needs to contain key nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to accelerate the recovery of body functions.

If it feels relatively cold or the temperature is low, runners need to take some insulation measures, put on blankets or change dry clothes to prevent a decrease in body temperature.

After each run, the most important thing for runners is to promote physical recovery and get ready for the next training.

Running professors promote running sports by selecting running tutorials, stories, equipment, events, and other content.

4、 The energy supply after running cannot fully meet the body’s needs, so it is best to have another meal within three hours after running.

Stretching and massage for 10-15 minutes can help relax muscles, accelerate blood flow to muscles, promote muscle fiber repair, and alleviate delayed muscle soreness

3、 Within 30 to 60 minutes after a long distance run to replenish energy, it is best for runners to eat some food, with a carbohydrate to protein ratio of 3:1.

This window period is very important because the efficiency of muscle glycogen processing is higher than usual at this time, which can provide more effective energy supply.

On the one hand, it helps regulate body temperature, and on the other hand, it can transport nutrients to muscles to help them recover.

The faster the muscle recovery, the faster the overall recovery, in order to prepare for the next training.

If it is in hot weather and it is relatively hot after running, runners need to take some cooling measures to prevent core body temperature from rising.

5、 Stretching and massage can cause slight muscle damage or tension during running.

Especially after long-distance running, due to the high energy consumption, runners need to do a good job in recovery work to become stronger.

By KingWay