After the police arrived, they criticized and educated Liang Mouyan, demanding that she strictly comply with the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control.

After Liang Mouyan’s behavior was exposed online, it attracted social attention and Bayer Company dismissed her.

On the evening of March 17th, @ Bayer China issued a statement stating that the person involved is indeed a Bayer employee.

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On the afternoon of March 15th, Liang Mouyan, who was supposed to be observing at home in her rented place, ran in the community without wearing a mask.

The Beijing Public Security Bureau reported that at around 15:00 on March 15th, the Chaoyang Public Security Bureau received a report from a community health and epidemic prevention worker stating that a woman refused to cooperate with the community’s epidemic prevention work.

(Statement: This article is published on the WeChat official account of “Henan Provincial Department of Education” for the purpose of transmitting more information.

Netizen: If you don’t follow the rules, you should be expelled for review | Chen Kai, editor in chief | Huang Faqiang, source | China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol, editor: Zhang Xiaosong, China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Liu Shixin) Comprehensive @ Ping An Beijing, @ Beijing Daily, @ Bayer China, etc.

She entered Beijing on March 14 from Capital Airport and her work and residence permit is valid until September 5, 2020.

Just now, @ Ping An Beijing reported! A woman who goes running without a mask is required to leave the country within a specified time limit.

Recently, an Australian woman from Beijing ran in a community without wearing a mask and refused to cooperate with community epidemic prevention work, which has attracted attention.

Liang Mouyan stated that she obeyed the management and did not go out again.

Community health and epidemic prevention staff found out and advised her, but the person was emotional and refused to cooperate.

On March 18th, the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of the Beijing Public Security Bureau decided to cancel Liang Mouyan’s work residence permit and leave the country within a specified time limit in accordance with Article 67 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China.

After verification, Liang Mouyan, female, 47 years old, Australian nationality, works for Bayer Healthcare Co., Ltd.

According to company regulations, the employee will be dismissed with immediate effect.

If there is any source marking error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact us in a timely manner, and we will correct, delete or deal with it in a timely manner.) Work together to overcome the epidemic ↓↓↓

After receiving the report, the police from Hujialou Police Station immediately rushed to the scene to carry out work.

The woman has been dismissed from her employer.

By KingWay