The soleus muscle and Achilles tendon ligament (soleus muscle) are another form of exercise mentioned earlier.

Lower legs down, Achilles tendon ligaments are stretched harder: hold hands firmly, stretch legs backwards, while squatting slightly with heels flat on the ground

Maintain this final position for 15-20 seconds without moving, as movement will counteract the reflexive adaptation of the relevant muscle tissue, resulting in the opposite effect and causing muscle and joint injuries.

The calf muscles and Achilles tendon ligaments (gastrocnemius muscle) support their hands on a tree, wall or pole, and move one foot backward as far as possible.

Stretching exercise 1.

Everyone needs to constantly enhance their sense of balance and control.

There are many techniques for stretching, and we choose to do simple and effective static stretching.

When can’t you stretch? If you follow the above instructions, there should be no errors during stretching.

At this time, the heel is flat with the ground, the toe is forward, and the body remains upright.

Always pay attention to clean and agile movements, while breathing calmly.

If the feeling is not obvious, it may be due to insufficient muscle tension or incorrect movements.

Do not overstretch when approaching competitions or training, as muscles should not be too tight.

It is important to avoid pulling the Achilles tendon ligament.

The time and frequency of stretching exercise should be repeated 2-3 times in both directions before you proceed with the next action.

Taking a bath, taking a walk, or swimming is more useful at this time.

Slowly extend and extend towards the distance, and the feeling will be obvious, even uncomfortable traction, but this feeling is not pain.

Practice while your muscles are still hot after running.

Therefore, before participating in activities or competitions that require speed, it is recommended to tighten the muscles in advance by running a small amount of stairs after slight stretching.

If the muscles are cold, the risk of injury is greater.

Stretching after running is more important than before, as it is necessary to relax the tense muscles during training.


When training the buttocks, chest, and rear thigh muscles, it may be necessary to adjust the stretching angle and find the position for muscle tightening, as each of us has a different structure.

running rucksack

Practice more in problematic areas.

You can also gently stretch before running, but this is definitely not a substitute for warm-up running! Stretch your weaknesses in your spare time.

But there are also exceptions, where knee or Achilles tendon pain cannot be bent or stretched.

In cases of mild muscle pain, people should stretch more carefully, and in cases of severe muscle pain after participating in high-intensity races or marathons, it is best not to move at all – muscle fiber injuries need to be repaired.

By KingWay