According to netizens, before the police arrived, other epidemic prevention personnel had already captured a video of this woman going out for a run.

00:0602:13 Just now, @ Bayer China issued a statement: Bayer verified the video circulating online as soon as possible.

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Faced with the advice of community epidemic prevention personnel, the woman not only ignored the advice, but also shouted “Help harass”.

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Subsequently, the police arrived and issued a warning to him, stating that he must be quarantined at home for 14 days according to regulations and not allowed to go out.

In the video, she didn’t wear a mask, ignored the advice of epidemic prevention personnel, and ran away all the way…

So, netizens left messages on @ Bayer China Weibo, hoping that the woman could be punished.

The person involved is indeed a Bayer employee, and the company has made a dismissal decision in accordance with regulations, with immediate effect.

It is understood that the woman is an Australian Chinese who did not follow the regulations for home quarantine and went out for running without wearing a mask after returning to Beijing.

After a video related to an Australian Chinese woman was circulated online, an insider revealed that the woman was an employee of Bayer China.

By KingWay