Whether it’s weight loss or running, it’s essentially a process of challenging and surpassing the body’s limits to get the body out of its comfort zone and make changes to the body.

And all challenges and movements that exceed the body’s capacity will inevitably and to varying degrees damage one or some parts of the body.

Because this means that even when the cartilage is severely damaged, the human body will not feel pain, so the various behaviors of damaging the cartilage will not stop.

In the future, you may also succeed in losing weight, but more likely, you will come to the hospital earlier to have your joints replaced.

Some injuries are irreversible.

In the morning, runners wearing headphones can always be seen in the community and streets.

Therefore, compared to other parts, irreversible wear is more likely to occur.

The reason why running is so popular is not only due to strong promotion, but also because it has many advantages that other sports do not have, such as low threshold, low cost, unrestricted venue, and easy operation.

What’s even more terrifying is that articular cartilage has two special anatomical characteristics: cartilage without blood vessels, cartilage without nerves, and blood vessels.

Unfortunately, the cartilage of the human body is as smooth and fragile as a thin layer of ice.

Just a few years ago, marathons only existed on television, and now there are not many friends who have run marathons.

Until the cartilage in a certain area was completely worn out, revealing the bones beneath the cartilage.

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Cartilage can be seen as a buffer between bones to avoid direct friction and vibration between bones.

Running is definitely recognized as the top exercise for weight loss.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is that cartilage lacks nerves.

But today, as an orthopedic doctor who often surges on others to change their joints, I must say: please stop running to lose weight! You may have run for a long time without feeling uncomfortable, and you may see many people online trying to wash away the damage caused by running.

The trend of sharing running route data in Moments has gradually replaced the trend of sharing food, food, and drinks.

At this point, the nerves on the bones were stimulated, finally causing pain

This means that articular cartilage can only rely on joint fluid for nutrition, so the ability of cartilage to self repair after injury is unimaginable.

The only difference is that some injuries are temporary and reversible, such as the temporary and reversible injury to the biceps brachii (upper arm muscles) during a gym iron lift to obtain a thicker arm circumference after muscle recovery; However, some injuries are permanent, irreversible, or even temporarily undetectable, such as repeated wear and tear of articular cartilage in the knee caused by movements beyond endurance.

By KingWay