People who moved 80 steps a day before are now more than 30000 steps a day? Do you run half a horse every day??? Okay, healthy living, I understand.

But can you runners have a little empathy? Imagine, when I happily indulge myself while sipping milk tea, and in the middle of the night, Xiuxian’s oily face is full of grease, chewing on chicken legs and chasing dramas, lying in bed until the last moment, without even having breakfast Picking up your phone, I saw you sweating profusely, practicing vest stitching, and having a positive, disciplined, and refreshing day.

Some people say, don’t be with people who have successfully quit smoking and lost weight.

Especially the girl who consistently dominates screen rankings, with thin legs, good skin, and super temperament, she sets me off as a dog and a pig!!! I can’t be disfigured like this anymore, I also need to make changes! So I gritted my teeth and ruthlessly deleted all these running friends.

running sling bag

The number of WeChat steps opened every day is a surprise.

Such a cruel and ruthless thing can be done, what else can’t be done? With so many ways to lose weight, running should be the most difficult to persist in and the easiest to give up, so the person who successfully loses weight through running is the true “tough” character! First, be ruthless towards your friends.

They’re all too “tough”.

How could I delete my friends just because of the small matter of running? Mainly because I dare not.

Now I can continue my useless life with peace of mind, hahahahahaha Just kidding, everyone has known each other for so long.

I remember there was a popular article on my social media called ‘People I’m Afraid of Reading’, but in fact, it’s the runners who are even more frightening 01//I’m afraid of runners.

A few months ago, my longtime best friend was still as round as me.

Morning run, night run, climbing run, relay race…

Suddenly, one day, she said, ‘I can’t get so chubby anymore.’ Then she bought running shoes, quick drying clothes, and joined the long-distance running army.

Now she’s half of me

During the summer season of exposed meat, more and more people are joining the running army.

By KingWay