I don’t know whether clinical trials can identify that the injury caused by overuse comes from overtraining, but during training, knee pain may be a symptom.

In other words, in running, I always have my own principle: never be lazy when training hard, and never rashly adhere to when there are bad symptoms.

I understand that overtraining is simply that the body bears too much pressure during training and does not control it in time, resulting in a series of adverse reactions and symptoms of body function.

It’s exciting to go to the gym to push my chest or pull hard to add some weight to it and break the limit of last week.

The result was surprisingly good.

After training, you are tired like a dog, but you can’t sleep in bed, and you will be a little excited.

running beanie

You may feel more tired than usual, and your muscles and joints begin to feel pain.

The quality of sleep becomes worse after exercise.

Pain or sudden injury occurred in joints and other body parts in recent time.

After exercise, you will feel relaxed and happy, and you will feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you reach the set exercise goals.

Or I fell asleep, but the next morning I felt tired and didn’t recover well.

You should re-evaluate the training.


At the beginning of the first week of training, my legs suffered from fatigue and soreness until Thursday, and it was even more difficult to support my body mentally.

However, it also puts more pressure on the immune system.

Many runners will continue to increase the intensity and time of training in the process of training in order to pursue better sports performance.

For women, many pimples on their faces and irregular aunts may be caused by excessive exercise because they increase too much training intensity at one time, which makes their body a little unbearable and will produce a series of adverse reactions.

You are depressed all day long and inefficient in work and exercise.

Delayed muscle pain is a natural reaction, which should disappear within 1-2 days, and poor posture will be associated with overuse or intensity training.

If you don’t feel energetic after training, but feel uncomfortable and can’t work and study normally, maybe the training is a little excessive.

In serious cases, if the recovery is not timely, it may even lead to permanent injury.

Xiaobian has a running friend who has been suffering from severe insomnia for about half a year.


He still has insomnia after taking medicine.

Source: Running Academy (ID: paobuxueyuan) runs several times a week, which is really inspiring! Whether you are trying to keep fit, lose weight, become healthier or just make your body feel better, you think frequent running will be very beneficial.

This is a very mental state, indicating that the quality of sleep is very high.

In this article today, let’s have a comprehensive understanding of overtraining from three levels: what is overtraining? How to judge whether overtraining? How to prevent overtraining? What is overtraining? I clearly remember that when preparing for the first horse this year, I didn’t make a thorough training plan and changed my running pace for nearly a year.

It is easy to wake up and even insomnia.

This feeling may last for hours or even days, and everyone likes it.

The original running rhythm of running three times a week and once every other day has been changed into running on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week by referring to the training plan for the first horse on the Internet, and then a slightly longer distance on Saturday.


Lack of enthusiasm for sports, the same amount of exercise, the body feeling is very weak, and the training effect is not ideal.

You will not be interested in training at all, and you will yawn during training.

He has two weeks of high-intensity training, plus two weeks of weekend cycling competition.

But if you train too much and someone in the office catches a cold, you will easily get sick.

In fact, it’s not fragile.

So on Thursday, the original 10K run was changed to 5K, and then his training plan was re-designed.

The normal feeling of training should be excited and full of strength.

Sometimes abnormal symptoms will take several weeks to appear.

Running friends at the level of gods, please don’t laugh.

Here are some symptoms for you to check yourself to see if you are overtraining.

In order to improve the speed, he changed his running posture and stride frequency.

However, please be careful! Whether you are a novice or an experienced runner, you are likely to inadvertently exceed your limits and lead to overtraining.

Exercise will produce endorphins.

Not long after that, I felt pain after running for 1K, and I was afraid when I went up and down the stairs.

I feel relaxed when I think that I can go out for a run today.

However, if you train too much, you will be very depressed, both physically and psychologically.

Or even if you fall asleep, you will wake up in the middle of the night.

Overtraining is not predictable, and its symptoms are slowly emerging.


There is a runner who is preparing for the marathon.

As an unprofessional runner, I care more about my physical reaction.

The weekly running volume has suddenly increased from an average of 20K to about 40K.

I was afraid that I would stop training for a period of time if I was injured.

Symptoms of overtraining are various.

And I opened my eyes at six o’clock in the morning, and I didn’t want to sleep anymore.

I really suffered a lot.

Later, by chance, she didn’t go to the gym for three days and didn’t go out for running.

Exceeding the load of the body will produce a series of physical reactions.

Although you keep training regularly, you may feel that you are no longer improving or even regressing.

If you increase your exercise recently and observe whether you have sore throat and sneeze in the morning, it may be that the immune system has decreased due to excessive training.

If you suddenly and frequently start to get sick, people with normal training will not get sick if their immune system is good.

When you run, the pain of limb pain may come from delayed muscle pain or poor posture.

By KingWay