Why is swing the best sport? The swing movement can stimulate the shoulder muscles and the biceps and triceps of the arm, effectively strengthen the strength of the shoulder and arm muscles.

Hypertension: Patients with hypertension should choose small and medium amount of aerobic exercise.

These exercises may cause slight increase in blood pressure at the initial stage, but after long-term adherence, the capillaries in muscles will expand, and can also reduce blood pressure by improving mood.

Heart disease: Generally speaking, the most suitable exercise for patients with heart disease is walking.

It is better to walk on flat roads rather than climbing stairs.

In the process of rapid movement, it is necessary to coordinate the whole body muscles, especially the leg muscles.

Therefore, swing ball games are the most beneficial sports for mental and physical health.

The effect of less than 45 minutes will be weakened.

After the age of 65, this age group is in a period of physical decline, muscle degeneration is accelerated, walking is easy to fall, it is recommended to do more stability exercises, such as supine leg lift, lunge, etc.

With the best sport, there are also the most suitable ways for different age groups.

In fact, the golden sport of every age is a “prescription”.

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At the beginning, I exercised for~5 days a week, twice a day, and gradually increased to exercise every day.

When exercising, you might as well do stretching exercise first, stretch your legs and twist your hips, which can not only increase the flexibility of your whole body, but also prepare for a larger amount of exercise later; Recommended exercise: walking, taijiquan, self-made aerobic exercise, consume excess fat in the body; Finally, you can do local strength exercises, such as lifting dumbbells and sit-ups.

Swimming in the second place can reduce the all-cause mortality rate by 28%, and aerobic exercise in the third place can reduce the all-cause mortality rate by 27%.

In terms of time length, the best time for each exercise is between 45 and 60 minutes.

At the same time, it can promote the rapid and tense thinking of the brain and has the function of strengthening the brain; It can also make the eyes adjust and promote the blood supply and metabolism of the eye tissue.

Mountain climbing and jogging can not only improve heart and lung endurance, accelerate metabolism, but also relieve stress.

▲ According to the Lancet study, including badminton, tennis and other swing sports, the all-cause mortality rate is reduced by 47%.

For well-to-do girls who love to lie down and work, it is most important to overcome gravity and get up from the chair first.

Recommended sports: walking, jogging, taijiquan, qigong, swimming, cycling, fitness dance, etc.

They are under great pressure and are prone to chronic diseases.

Generally speaking, the heart rate of young people after exercise reaches 150 times a minute, and that of the elderly 120 times a minute, which can achieve safe and effective exercise intensity.

Diabetes: diabetes combined with flexibility, aerobic exercise and strength training can better control blood sugar.

People at the age of 26-45 who climb mountains and jog are in the critical period of life and career.


Do you know what is the best exercise? A few years ago, the authoritative medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry Branch published a research on sports.

Swimming can not only regulate cardiopulmonary function, but also exercise physical coordination, laying a good physical foundation for children.

However, obese people and people with poor joints are not recommended to climb mountains frequently.

The heart rate can be used to estimate the fitness of exercise intensity during exercise.

The Lancet said that the longer the exercise time is, the better; The best duration is between 45 and 60 minutes.

Exercise should be safe, simple and stable muscle group.

Children around 10 years old can practice table tennis, badminton and other small ball sports to exercise physical flexibility; When you are a little older, you can participate in more competitive sports such as basketball and volleyball.

Source: Chengdu Business Daily Sichuan famous doctor (id: scmingyi) click to follow the “running professor”, update the research of running dry goods involving 1.2 million people every day, analyze the impact of different sports on mental and physical health, and draw this conclusion.

The strength and muscle mass of people aged 46-65 who walk briskly and exercise strength began to decline.

Children in the age range of 1-7 years old swimming are in a period of rapid physical development.

Why is swinging the best sport? It is said that exercise is good for health.

Walking can improve blood circulation and reduce body fat rate; Strength exercises such as squatting and lifting dumbbells can enhance muscle strength.

Exercise prescription for special people The physical condition of exercise prescription for special people should also be used as a criterion for choosing exercise.

Not only did we find the best exercise, but we also paid attention to the time of each exercise.

Among all sports, only the frequency of walking can be slightly higher, up to 6 times a week.

The Lancet said that the longer the exercise time is, the better; The best duration is between 45 and 60 minutes.

More than 60 minutes will not only have higher benefits, but also be prone to negative effects.

In terms of frequency, three to five days a week and one time a day are the most profitable.

Not only did we find the best exercise, but we also paid attention to the time of each exercise.

The People’s Daily has published articles that reveal the “golden movement” of different ages.

This movement should start with less intensity and be gradual.

The Lancet study said that swing sports, including badminton and tennis, can reduce the all-cause mortality rate by 47% (referring to the mortality rate of all causes of death).

The best sports are the racket ball games.

This study, involving 1.2 million people, analyzed the impact of different sports on mental and physical health, and reached this conclusion.

People with chronic diseases may as well choose exercise in this way.

At the age of 8-25 years old, ball games can improve reaction speed, heart and lung endurance, and contribute to muscle and bone development.

By KingWay