When you swim, you don’t lose weight because you eat too much.

In the long run, high-intensity exercise has a better effect on weight loss than low-intensity exercise [26].

Generally, the temperature of the swimming pool is lower than 28 ℃, so we are always hungry after swimming.

Although the time for the idea of Tuchong is short, it is difficult for some people to adhere to such high intensity.

After the running test, I was panting and had no appetite for half a day.

If you stick to it for a while, you will not be hungry.

Exercise can reduce appetite.

It can not only reduce the pressure of weight on muscles and bones, but also use the muscles of the whole body to improve the cardiopulmonary function.

You can also change continuous exercise into intermittent form: previously, running at a fixed speed has become a full sprint, and then you can rest for a while by jogging or walking, and then you can sprint and rest again.

The temptation of high fat and high sugar foods will be weakened after exercise, but low energy foods will not be affected.

Energy consumption is usually higher when immersed in water than on land, and eating more after exercise in water.

After eating the same high-energy food, people who exercise for a long time eat less than those who do not exercise in the following meals.

The advantage of postprandial exercise is to maintain a stable blood sugar level, which is more beneficial to diabetes patients..

However, the type of exercise has little influence, and time and intensity are the most important.

Because exercise not only increases energy consumption, but also temporarily suppresses appetite and prevents us from eating more.

Although many people are not hungry after sports, they feel that they must reward themselves with something delicious when they think about how hard they worked just now.

Many people can’t stand such a long time of exercise because they are not free and bored.

Therefore, it is not the key to stay in the water or in the air.

Swimming is a good exercise, but the weight loss effect is obviously not as good as walking or cycling [1].

It is not a lie to lose weight through creative sports of Tu Bug.

But after swimming, almost everyone climbed to the shore and only had “I’m starving? Why are you so hungry after swimming? Compared with running or cycling on land, swimming has many special advantages.

In aerobic exercise, except that rope skipping has a better effect on appetite inhibition, there is no significant difference in other types of exercise [15-17].

So I can’t eat after fast running, and I have a better appetite for walking than sitting still [17].

The relationship between exercise intensity and eating energy | Reference [28] Exercise time for appetite inhibition The debate about the best exercise time has never stopped.

The exercise intensity can’t be too low.

For example, if the cycling time is extended from 20 minutes to 40 minutes, the energy consumption during exercise will be doubled, but it will not lead to more eating, so weight loss is more effective [18,19].

But the time point of morning, noon and evening is not as important as the relationship between sports and meals.

Persisting in exercise for a long time not only decreases appetite when just finishing exercise, but also improves the ability to control not eating too much all day.

Changes in diet choices can help us eat more nutritious and healthy food and reduce fattening high-energy snacks [12,13].

Exercise can not only reduce food consumption, but also improve food quality.

One way is to increase the intensity.

If only the effect of appetite inhibition is considered, some studies show that morning exercise is better than afternoon exercise [29].

If you want to use exercise to suppress appetite, you’d better stick to moderate intensity exercise for more than 40 minutes.

Under the same energy consumption conditions, half an hour of high-intensity exercise eats less than one hour of low-intensity exercise [24].

Generally, pre meal exercise has a better effect on reducing hunger and eating less energy and fat, which is easy to lose weight and also beneficial to improving blood lipid levels [14,30].

If you want to lose weight, you can use high-intensity exercise to reduce appetite, and people who want to gain weight can also use low-intensity exercise to improve appetite [28].

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The temperature is the reason why swimming is easy to starve.

The effect and duration of exercise on appetite will increase with the increase of intensity [20-23].

When the temperature is above 28 ℃, you will not eat more after swimming [4].

In fact, not only the water temperature, but also the air temperature on land affects metabolism and appetite [5].

Temperature affects appetite.

As long as the total energy consumed is similar, the effect of intermittent exercise on appetite inhibition is not worse or even better than that of continuous exercise (when the intensity is very high) [26,27].

Although exercise can help lose weight and improve health by suppressing appetite, what you eat is not entirely determined by appetite [14].

The exercise time will be extended appropriately, and the effect of appetite inhibition will be better.

Swimmers are usually more rounded than runners.

What’s special about this kind of exercise? It increases appetite instead of decreasing it? The most suspect is water.

If the intensity is high enough, the appetite reduction can last for 1-2 days [25].

However, to further distinguish water temperature, it is found that only cold water increases consumption, while warm water (32~34 ℃) has no similar effect [2,3].

In this way, the output will increase and the input will remain unchanged, and the weight will be reduced quickly when the energy gap is large [10].

If I always think so, exercise is of little use in suppressing appetite.

Just be tired.

Considering the effect of appetite inhibition alone, aerobic exercise may be better than resistance exercise (iron lifting).

Except for swimming, most sports have good weight loss effect under appropriate intensity and time [9].

Compared with immobility, gastric emptying speed slows down in high-intensity exercise (heart rate>160 beats/min) and speeds up in low-intensity exercise (heart rate<120 beats/min).

The weight loss effect of high-intensity sports is better than that of low-intensity sports.

This kind of regulation is conducive to keeping the dietary energy not exceeding the standard throughout the day and not easy to gain weight [11].

After the same exercise, the amount of food we eat will gradually decrease with the increase of ambient temperature [6-8].

How to exercise can reduce your appetite? “Which exercise is the best way to lose weight?” is the first consideration for many people when they choose to exercise.

As the water temperature rises, the food intake gradually decreases after exercise.

By KingWay