Then when the right foot touches the ground, jump again, and then suddenly jump diagonally to the left, and so on.

The action shall be as explosive as possible, so that the touchdown time at each touchdown is as short as possible.


This is the completion of a group.


Explosive force training can train the ability to lengthen and shorten the muscle circulation, effectively use the elastic potential energy stored in the process of stretching the soft tissue, reduce the energy consumption of direct muscle contraction, improve the running economy, so as to improve the pace and further improve the running performance.

When returning to the ground after each vertical jump, the runner should touch the ground steadily, and then quickly start the next squat jump with good coordination.



This kind of squatting and jumping is helpful to improve the runner’s ability to generate force quickly when touching the ground, and shorten the support time.



After the left knee joint reaches 90 degrees, jump 6~10 inches (15.24~25.40 cm) outward with the left foot.

It is a combination of strength quality and speed quality.

Place 8 obstacles in a straight line with a spacing of 45 inches (114.30 cm), and the height of each obstacle is 12 inches (30.48 cm).


The school has a provincial level [Sports Industry National Vocational Qualification Training Base], [CBBA Professional Fitness Coach Training Base], and [Sports Nutrition Training Base] issued by the General Administration of Sport of China..


and Anhui Yizheng Health Technology Co., Ltd.


If possible, place the right toe on an object or step 6~8 inches (15.24~20.32 cm) high.

Rest for 15 seconds, and perform another 45 second diagonal run and jump.

Jump back to the middle position, and then jump inward (when the left leg is in front, jump right) 6~10 inches (15.24~25.40 cm), and then jump back to the middle position.

Skip the last obstacle, jog back to the starting point, and then repeat the whole cycle for three more times.

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Each leg shall have 12 groups of exercises, and rest for 1 minute between the two groups.

Explosive High Knee Lifting Explosive High Knee Lifting can enhance the runner’s reaction when contacting the ground, thus shortening the support time and enhancing the overall explosive force of the leg.




Jog a few steps first, and then use your right foot to move diagonally to the right.

However, explosive force is also one of the important factors that affect the level of performance in long-distance running.

Keep relaxed during practice.


Make sure your right foot is still in place.

When doing lateral single leg squat takeoff, the left leg stands in front and the right leg stands behind.



However, in some runners’ thinking patterns, they think that only “sprinters” need explosive force training.

The specific training methods of these exercises will be introduced in detail below to help enhance the explosive force.

When the right foot touches the ground after jumping, make an explosive diagonal jump to the left and touch the ground with the left foot.


Run and jump diagonally within 45 seconds.




When the left foot touches the ground, jump in place once, and then suddenly jump diagonally to the right.

Touch the ground easily and elastically, and repeat step 2 for 14 more times.

Start from one end, jump over each obstacle, take off and touch the ground with both legs, and continuously jump over the eight obstacles.


After 15 repetitions, rest for a few seconds and repeat for another 15 times.

(If there is infringement, please contact the author to delete it) Brand introduction Wistar Vocational Training School is a joint venture established by Anhui Wistar Health Technology Co., Ltd.

When the right foot contacts the ground, jump in place quickly once.

Restore the starting (straight leg) position and keep the body upright.

The lateral single leg squat takeoff, with the duration of 00:19, can enhance the runner’s quick reaction when contacting the ground, shorten the support time, and enhance the stability and strength of the leg.

Then suddenly — but still in an upright position — jump up vertically, lifting your knees to your chest.

It is similar to the conventional single leg squatting, except that when the runner jumps again after each squatting, the runner jumps higher than usual.

Run and jump with the ball of the sole of the foot for 30 seconds with fairly fast leg movements.

The feet are separated from each other, and the distance is about equal to the length of the tibia; Keep your feet hip width apart.

Start with a light jump in place.


Explosive training requires a certain strength base.


When doing this exercise, stand in a relaxed and upright position with your feet directly below your shoulders.

The school aims to better serve the sports talent training market in Anhui Province and cultivate more sports talents.


The double leg obstacle jump can help runners with greater propulsion, enhance explosive force, and form faster stride frequency and longer stride when running through obstacles.

It can reflect the neuromuscular coordination and the ability of muscles to work together.

Take a break and repeat the above steps.


Explosive force refers to the ability to produce maximum speed in the shortest time or complete actions at the fastest speed.

Complete two groups for each leg 10 times in one group.

We recommend some regular explosive exercises.

Keep your feet on the ground as short as possible when running and jumping.

The oblique running and jumping can shorten the standing time and strengthen the strength and reaction force of the runner’s ankle joint through the explosive contact with the ground.


Most of the body weight is placed directly in the middle of the left foot.

Please evaluate your own situation before practicing., Duration 01:36 The explosive running and jumping will help runners improve their ability to shorten the support time.


If you want to run faster, you need not only endurance and strength training, but explosive force training is also an important means to improve the pace.

Try to move in a rhythmic and coordinated way.

Single Leg Squat Jump Single Leg Squat Jump transforms the traditional single leg squat into a dynamic movement.

Bend the left leg and lower the body until the thigh and calf are at a 90 degree angle at the left knee joint.

Look ahead, not at your feet.

By KingWay