It’s hard to think about walking from the warm indoor to the cold windy outdoor.

Lung respiratory system: Long term running can enhance lung function and increase vital capacity.

Regular long-distance running can strengthen the respiratory muscles of the lungs and increase the amount of air change each time.

Heart: Exercise will enhance the heart and cardiovascular function.

While increasing the maximum oxygen uptake, the work quality of each organ naturally increases.

camel pack running

But there are still more runners who choose to keep going.

Gastrointestinal: Exercise can make people happy, improve appetite, promote digestion and absorption, and greatly improve gastrointestinal function.

For your health, run more when you have time!..

Although it is an exaggeration to say so, if we persist in running for a long time, it will really make great changes in our bodies and have many benefits.

When running, your eyes will look straight ahead, which can relax your eyes.


After a period of persistent exercise, the leg muscles will become very strong and healthy.

There was no significant reduction in weight, but the figure began to change.


Many people have this experience after starting running for a while.

So let’s look at some of the benefits of running.


Blood: The blood quality of people with strong cardiovascular system is also better than that of ordinary people.

People who have been exercising for a long time will greatly improve their willpower, and recover quickly from fatigue and quickly return to a calm level.


Running for a long time will be of great help to the cervical vertebra and other parts.

Abdomen: Running for a long time can remove abdominal fat and make your abdomen healthy and flat.

Waist and hip: The changes in these two positions are the first reflection of the improvement of the body by running.


Proper running posture requires a straight and relaxed back.

The adaptive changes of long distance running can help improve the metabolism of the body, and can also play a role in reducing blood lipids and cholesterol.

Although running is fun, running in winter is not as good as running in spring and autumn.

Vision: Adherence to long-distance running is also good for vision.

After running, the cold wind blows in the face and makes your face ache.

Running is a kind of whole body exercise, which can make muscles of the whole body contract and relax rhythmically, increase muscle fiber and protein content.


Liver: Running can effectively reduce fatty liver.

Knee: Although some people may feel knee pain when running for the first time, the knee joint becomes stronger and stronger with continuous accumulation and exercise of leg muscle strength.


Lower limb exercise can promote venous blood flow back to the heart and prevent venous thrombosis.

In addition, middle and long distance running can speed up the blood circulation, so that the coronary artery can provide sufficient blood for the myocardium and prevent various heart diseases.


Body bones: Long distance running can increase the strength of joints and the flexibility of ligaments, and increase the strength and density of bones to prevent bone degeneration and osteoporosis.

Therefore, many runners choose “hibernation” after cooling down in winter and stop running.



I have to say that it takes great courage to keep running in winter.

Leg muscles: Running will also change people’s muscle tissue.


Some people think that running can cure most diseases.


So, when you see those who insist on running in winter, don’t think they are stupid and stubborn, because they are all smart people.

Neck, shoulder, spine: People who sit in front of the computer for a long time will have some cervical spondylosis.

By KingWay