Start running and be a stylish person.

You have to bear the responsibilities of the old and the young.

There is an 81 year old uncle in Xi’an, that’s all.

Mayakovsky also sighed: “There is no more beautiful clothes than strong muscles and fresh skin.” After all, every step of running will lead to less fat; Every drop of sweat will make the lines smoother.

Blogger TyraMan has shared the changes brought by running.

However, under an opportunity, Tyra felt that she could not give up and started running.

It is the so-called “life without rest, running without stop”.

Since his retirement, the old man has started running.

Because the older you are, the more you will find that running will not only affect a person’s appearance, but also change a person’s physique, and even affect a person’s mood.

Take out the pants before.

Compared with the current ones, the waist circumference is also a big difference.

What’s more, running also brings self-discipline, and self-discipline also brings confidence.

It turns out that running and not running really lead a different life.

But running is probably the best way to release your mind.

The world of middle-aged people always seems to have all kinds of anxiety, anxiety and depression.

There is a saying on the Internet, which is reasonable: three kilometers to deal with all kinds of complaints, five kilometers to deal with all kinds of internal injuries, ten kilometers to run the heart is all good and open.

The old man who runs will have dinner in the laughter of his family; The old man who doesn’t run can only rely on the liquid food in the hospital to maintain his life.

When you are in a long period of depression, or when the pressure suddenly increases, you might as well go out for a run.

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Indeed, the WTO once made a statistic that at present, 20% of doctors in the world will treat depression with running as an auxiliary treatment.

From today on, don’t be a lazy meat stall and wait to die.

In combination with low carbon water diet, swimming, jumping and playing ball, she not only recovered her posture before birth, but also developed abdominal muscles.

As long as it doesn’t rain, he runs every other day.

It will not only bring about physical changes, but also bring about changes in people’s work and rest, diet and lifestyle.

Today, it’s better to start running, create your own miracle with persistence and sweat, and start a new journey with self-discipline.

The old man who runs will start the day by running in the morning; The old man who doesn’t run can only have a hard time in his hospital bed.

The moment of contact with the earth will give you a sense of steadfastness; When you communicate with fresh air, you will feel excited.

This is because when you run, you will not only secrete dopamine, but also during this time that belongs to you, it can make your brain more awake.

As a 36 year old Baoma, it is inevitable to lose shape.

It turns out that the best way to say goodbye to unhappiness is running.

You have to face the double challenges of work and life.

There is a proverb in ancient Greece: “If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be smart, run!” Running is the beginning of everything.

And running is the first money you save in the health piggy bank.

After running for about two weeks, she found that her weight began to drop significantly.

The lifeline of people, because of the changes brought by running, seems to be stretched.

Compared with many middle-aged people who suffered from back pain and sub-health, the old man obviously found a magic weapon to keep healthy.

Titsu, a French medical expert, once said: “Exercise can replace medicine, but all medicines cannot replace exercise.” This is because: running for one month can reduce weight; Heart and lung function will become stronger after running for 3 months; Running for half a year can improve the body immunity; One year after running, you can get rid of three high diseases; After 3 or 5 years of running, your physical function and appearance will obviously exceed those of your peers.

A public service advertisement also tells about the health benefits of running.

If it is not feasible, run more times.

Middle age is a barrier to the decline of the body.

There are no worries, which can not be resolved by a vigorous running.

You also have to face the dilemma that you may not be able to realize yourself.

Believe that every step you take will be fruitful, and every drop of sweat you shed will have energy..

I have read a saying: “The appearance before 25 years old is given by my parents, and the appearance after 25 years old is obtained by my own cultivation.” Running is the best cultivation.

In the video, the soldiers shouted while running: “Five kilometers, I love you, one day, no worries, brothers, cheer up, say goodbye to all kinds of small emotions.” Many netizens shouted heartily.

You see, running is not running, and the body is the best witness.

Some time ago, a daily 5km training video of plateau soldiers became popular.

Because of the changes brought about by her posture, she is now more confident, and even has the title of “hot mom in the workplace”.

At the beginning, Tyra felt that long-distance running was difficult, so she chose to start from fast walking; After walking for some time, she found that she could run slowly, first 3km, then 5km; By now, she has been able to run 8-10km at a constant speed.

It seems that any difficulty will be solved with ease when stepping forward step by step.

This will last for twenty years.

His name is “Huang Xujin” and he is known as the fastest “post-80s generation”.

A long-term runner will become stylish and stylish; A person who runs for a long time, his body and state are his best business cards.

Every time the 400 meters run into 1 minute and 34 seconds, the old man will celebrate in his own unique way.

Running is not only a good way to keep fit, but also a good weapon to keep healthy.

Running is the best self salvation.

Running can not only cure diseases, but also cure all life.

By KingWay