People will feel dyspnea and suffocation.

Running with masks is always a feeling of suffocation, and we all know that the longer the aerobic exercise lasts, the better the continuity of our running.

If you choose an open place to live at home, outdoors, without people gathering, and with good ventilation, you can not wear a mask.

You can use small front and back foot jumps to activate the linkage of ankle, knee and hip joints and do small running in situ to find out the feeling.

The barrier of the mask will affect the breathing process, making it more difficult to breathe, and also exacerbating the lack of oxygen in the body.

If you don’t stretch properly for a long time, it will also be bad for the recovery of running.


Wearing an ordinary medical mask, of course, does not mean that you can run in an open place, but you can go out to the waves willfully.

One group wore a mask, and the other group did not wear a mask.

Running with a mask is definitely not a comfortable experience.

The research results show that people wearing masks have indeed made significant improvements in respiratory compensation threshold, ventilation threshold, power output and other aspects compared with the previous ones, but the improvements in maximum power output and maximum oxygen uptake of the two groups of subjects are the same, which means that it has nothing to do with whether they wear masks.

Research results: Running with masks did not bring as many benefits to runners as they had been told.


Running indoors is the best way.


The higher the blood oxygen saturation, the stronger the runner’s ability to deliver oxygen.

Breathing will be subject to resistance, and the lack of oxygen supply in the body will easily lead to hypoxia and dizziness, increasing the risk of exercise.


If there are too many people in the sports place, Xiao Bian suggests running with masks, but you should pay attention to choosing ordinary medical masks.

Low heart rate aerobic jogging for 40-60 minutes of recovery run.


For people with poor cardiopulmonary function, running with masks is more likely to cause accidents.

When you exercise, you will increase the ventilation.

29 kinds of common running equipment are recommended.


Ignore the distance and pace, and observe your body’s state.

With the release of the new ten articles on prevention and control, the number of people wearing masks has soared, including runners.

Some people say that running with masks limits airflow, can exercise breathing muscles, improve heart rate and core body temperature, and so on.

The recovery time can gradually increase, and it can be controlled within 60 minutes.

Of course, the number of samples taken in this experiment is small, and more in-depth research is needed.

These places can run without masks.

A good work and rest time can restore your resting heart rate and quickly adjust your body state.

How do you do recovery training? 1.

The so-called blood oxygen saturation is the concentration of blood oxygen, which is an important physiological parameter of respiration and circulation.

Is this true? 01/What is the impact of running with masks? 1.

Warm up before running and stretch and warm up after running should focus on ankle, knee and hip joints.

Of course, some runners say that running with masks can be regarded as hypoxic training, but this is a very small number of people.

If you do anaerobic exercise too early, you will have too much lactic acid in your body.


03/How to run during the epidemic? 1.

They were required to perform high-intensity interval training three times a week for six weeks.


Adjust your work and rest time.

What is the result of the 02/10 public research? 1.

What’s the change? The subjects without masks recovered their blood oxygen saturation faster than those with masks.

It is recommended to reduce the running intensity, mainly jogging, and the running time should not be too long.


In special periods, we should also pay attention to exercise while preventing viruses.

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However, one thing is certain.

When our intake of oxygen is mixed with too much exhaled carbon dioxide, it is also bad for the body.

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04/How to resume running? If you have stopped running for 7 days or more, you need to run easily for a corresponding time to recover your condition.


When you are used to running with masks, once you do not wear masks, your breathing will be smoother during running.

The choice of the experimenter of the study: both groups of subjects have no experience of endurance training and are very healthy.


The breathing will be affected to a certain extent when the running intensity is reduced.

If you want to run outside, you’d better choose an open place with few people and good ventilation.

A single look will only affect the efficiency of running.

But if conditions permit, we’d better exercise at home and try not to go out.

By KingWay