Recently, the research team from Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated to Harvard University found that just 12 minutes of moderate and high intensity exercise can cause great changes in many metabolic substances in the human body, which are closely related to our heart metabolism, cardiovascular and long-term health.

So after each run, you must pay attention to rest and give your body time to repair itself.

In this study, 411 men and women (with an average age of 53 years) who participated in the Framingham Heart Study were exercised for a total of 12 minutes from quiet to high-intensity, and tested the levels of 588 circulating metabolites before and after exercise.

The results showed that 502 of these 588 metabolites had significant changes, and these changes were highly related to reducing disease risk and increasing health protection.

Being young originally represents good looks and good health, and represents unlimited possibilities.

According to the survey, 63% of female athletes are injured every year, so middle-aged female runners should strengthen strength training.

When it comes to injury risk, the risk is greater for women over 40 years old.

NO.3 Avoid fast and changing movements.

Met (MET) is also called energy metabolism equivalent, which means that the oxygen intake during exercise is a multiple of that during quiet time.

As we grow older, we will lose a certain amount of muscle every year, and the sedentary state will aggravate the loss of these muscles.

And as you get older, this fatigue and damage will become worse, and the recovery time will become longer.

People’s thirst level will also decrease with age, which often leads to the older the age, the less liquid intake.

This is why you should drink sports materials after running a marathon for ten kilometers.

The testosterone content in men is dozens of times higher than that in women.

The research on middle-aged people is not far away from running found that athletes in almost any field often play their best after sufficient sleep.

Another interesting phenomenon is that these middle-aged people also have the best performance.

What should middle-aged people, especially middle-aged girls, pay attention to when running? NO.1 We should pay more attention to strength training.

For example: ● The metabolite 1-methylnicotinamide, which promotes fat decomposition, increased by 33%; ● Glutamic acid, the key metabolite leading to heart disease and diabetes, decreased by 29%; ● The metabolite dimethylguanidine valerate, which increases the risk of diabetes and liver disease, decreased by 18%; According to the key indicator of sports intensity, “MET”, even jogging belongs to high-intensity sports.

Once you are over 35 years old, your body’s metabolism will decline, which means that aging begins.

Whether you are a sportsman or an ordinary person, you must understand that aging can be delayed, but it is irreversible.

Strengthening strength training can offset muscle loss, maintain body shape, improve running economy, and make you run more easily and labor-saving.

Recently, the 81 year old man, who was rumored to run 400 meters in 1 minute and 31 seconds, had to warm up for 40 minutes before each run, and he has been running for 20 years.

A large amount of sweat in the body will lead to desalination.

Some sprints or movements with excessive changes can be avoided as far as possible.

If you are in high spirits one day and run for more than an hour, just drinking water is not enough.

With health, they can talk about other possibilities.

NO.2 Make up more water because middle-aged people are more likely to lack water.

Why do middle-aged people become the main force on the runway? One of the main reasons: for health (including physical and mental health).

It means that “you want to but cannot get it because of your body.” At this point, only exercise can resist time.


4 Do not sleep, do not rest well.

It seems that middle-aged people are so sad, even running is not free.

If you just drink white water, a large amount of this water will enter the cells, causing cell edema, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and paralysis, which is also known as hyponatremia encephalopathy, commonly known as water poisoning.

Even so, more and more middle-aged people have started their running life.

To sum up, the reason is that they understand the importance of physical and mental health better.

Another important role of strength training is to avoid injury, especially for female runners, the risk of injury is far greater than that of men.

Because testosterone promotes protein synthesis, it is essential for muscle repair and growth.

Have you noticed that there are more and more middle-aged people running around? According to the released big data analysis report of China Marathon, the age group with the largest number of people signing up for the marathon in recent three years is concentrated between 35 and 50.

If you must enjoy the fast running, you must go through a systematic and long warm-up.

running sling bag

Because all midlife crises and midlife anxiety are basically health crises and health anxiety in the final analysis.

The most significant change caused by muscle loss is that metabolism slows down, and you are more likely to gain weight than when you were young.

Otherwise, even if you don’t want to give up, the injured body will force you to stop.

This principle applies to people of all ages..

If you lose 1% of your weight due to sweating during running, your performance will be reduced by 2%! Therefore, middle-aged runners, like children in kindergartens, should always keep a water bottle ready when running and drink 200-300 ml every ten or twenty minutes.

Because sports drinks contain salt, the risk of water poisoning can be greatly reduced.

Therefore, compared with young people, the bone hardness and ligament elasticity of middle-aged people have decreased, which is easy to cause damage.

Therefore, women generally need more recovery time than men after hard exercise.

No matter how much you run, as long as you move, it will cause a certain degree of fatigue and damage to your body.

By KingWay