It is better to translate them into “pain is unavoidable, but suffering can be chosen”.

When the girl came, I pretended to be calm from meditation, and introduced to the girl calmly, then kept silent.

Therefore, it is essential to cultivate concentration and endurance the day after tomorrow.

Fortunately, concentration is different from endurance and talent.

Let’s adjust today and share a recent book, Haruki Murakami’s What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.

If there is no literary talent, no matter how enthusiastic and hard work, I am afraid I will not become a novelist.

Murakami’s understanding of suffering, “Painisinevitable,Sufferingisoptional “I happened to see a special interview with marathon runners in the hotel rooms in Paris, and interviewed several famous marathon runners one by one: What kind of truth do you recite in your heart in order to motivate yourself during the race? Marathon is such a demanding race.

Murakami talked about the most important qualification of a novelist.

It is not enough to accomplish anything without it.

If you want to run faster, you should speed up appropriately, but even if the acceleration is very short, you just want to maintain the pleasure you feel until the next day.

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Stop writing decisively where it seems possible to write, so that you can easily enter the state when you start again the next day.

Later, he gave me careful guidance and made me form many fixed routines.

For example, every time I go to see a girl on a blind date, I always go to the Starbucks or McDonald’s ahead of schedule, take a slightly shabby village book “Norwegian Forest”, and quietly read it.

Returning to Haruki Murakami’s “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”, I found that when the science and engineering men became uncles collectively in the 1980s, this book became a good life handbook.

Although talent is important, it is hard to find it.

I introduced my deskmate, the mathematical genius of “stream of consciousness”, when I learned mathematics, physics and chemistry well and was not afraid to travel around the world.

Like Schubert and Mozart, or some kind of poets and rock musicians, they use up their rich talents in a short period of time, and then pass away dramatically, turning them into a beautiful legend.

Novelists (at least those who are interested in writing novels) must have such endurance.

Ernest Hemingway seems to have said something similar, “Persistence and not disorderly rhythm”, which is extremely important for long-term homework.

If we make good use of this power, we can make up for the lack of talent and bias.

You can’t run 42.195 meters without chanting the mantra.

I work intensively for three or four hours every morning.

After concentration, endurance is necessary.

Although such a way of living is very attractive, it has no reference significance for most of us.

In addition to talent, if I list the important qualifications of novelists, I will not hesitate to focus on them.

I will share some paragraphs here.

Its essentials are the same as that of writing a novel.

To sum up, for boys majoring in science and engineering in the 1980s, it is as important to master the skill of “arming themselves with Haruki Murakami” as it is to “learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well”.

One of the runners said that since the start of the marathon, every race has It is necessary to remember the two sentences “Painis evitable, Suffering optional” taught by his brother.

It can be acquired through training the day after tomorrow, and can also be continuously improved..

Its subtle meaning is difficult to translate accurately.

Sitting in front of the desk, I just pour my consciousness into what I am writing, and don’t think about anything else.

I am a typical science and engineering boy.

Then he gave a firm hand to his glasses and said, “Murakami believes that, in principle, he is dismissive of writers who have not died for more than 30 years, while Fitzgerald is an exception; I agree that, in principle, I am dismissive of writers who have not died for more than 30 years, and Haruki Murakami is an exception.” After having a routine, I found that the number of times I was directly blackmailed by the other party after meeting on a blind date decreased significantly.

Haruki Murakami is very important to the post-80s generation.

When I grow up, I think it is more difficult to find a girlfriend than to solve bugs.

Let’s compare these to breathing methods.

If concentration is to hold your breath, endurance is to hold your breath while learning to breathe quietly and slowly.

Recently, we have been reading technical posts for two months, and we are tired.

If a girl asks, “Are you reading Haruki Murakami?”, I felt a twinge of joy in my heart, “Great, I’m in a trap!”.

However, we cannot be too careful to make the inertial wheel rotate accurately at a certain speed.

Now is the time to accumulate the running distance tenaciously, so it is not necessary to care about the performance at present, just spend time silently accumulating the distance.

Concentration is the ability to gather your limited talents and devote them to the places where they are most needed.

Once the rhythm is set, the rest of the problem can be solved.

Murakami believes that forming his own rhythm can solve many problems.

These two sentences concisely summarize the most important part of the marathon.

Some people often ask: “What is the most important qualification for a novelist?” Needless to say, it is talent of course.

After arriving in Hawaii in August 2005, he will record a spoonful of love band every morning The MD of Daydream and Songs of Love with spoons put it into the walkman and ran for an hour and ten minutes while listening to it.

However, the problem with talent is that, in most cases, its quality and quantity are beyond the master’s control.

It is a pity that I have known him for so long and have not learned any useful mathematical knowledge, but fortunately, I have learned a lot of life skills from him.

By KingWay