After finishing the day’s outpatient service and surgery, meeting up with three or five friends of the running group and going to the outside for a relaxing and joyful run is the best way to eliminate the tiredness of the day!” This is Jiang Lifeng’s “kukule (bi)” life in Suichang.

“With such good air and environment, it is a paradise for runners!” He said..

The rural track in Suichang “Oh my God, running is such a happy thing.

Kneeproblemsarecommoninyoungadultsandassociatedwithphysicalactivityandnotobesity:thefindingsofacross-sectionalsurveyinauniversitycohort. BMCMusculoskeletDisord.2019; 20(1):116.Published2019Mar18.[7]WallaceIJ,BendeleAM,RiewG,etal.Physicalinactivityandkneeosteoarthritisinguineapigs. OsteoarthritisCartilage.2019; 27(11):1721-1728.[8]EsculierJF,JarrettM,KrowchukNM,etal.Cartilagerecoveryinrunnerswithandwithoutkneeosteoarthritis:Apilotstudy. Knee.

As an expert of “double sinking”, he hopes to help the branch hospital build a strong orthopedic team to alleviate the pain of mountain people.

“The air is good today.

In front of us, there were green and sweet air everywhere, and girls’ dimples were like flowers.

seamless bandana

Canmarathonrunning improving knowledge images of middle ages? Aprospectivecohortstudy. BMJOpenSportExercMed.2019; 5(1).[2]RhimH,KimYH,KimMG,JangKM,SuhSW.MagneticResonanceImagingFindingsofKneesandSpinesinRecreationalRunnerswhoCompleted1000Marathons. Cureus.2019; 11(12).[3]GesselT,HarrastMA.RunningDoseandRiskofDevelopingLower-ExtremityOsteoarthritis.CurrSportsMedRep.2019; 18(6):201-209.[4]DunlopDD,SongJ,HootmanJM,etal.OneHouraWeek:MovingtoPreventDisabilityinAdultsWithLowerExtremityJointSymptoms. AmJPrevMed.2019; 56(5):664-672.[5]GayC,Guiguet-AuclairC,MourguesC,GerbaudL,CoudeyreE.Physicalactivitylevelandassociationwithbehavioralfactorsinkneeosteoarthritis. AnnPhysRehabilMed.2019; 62(1):14-20.[6]IbeachuC,SelfeJ,SuttonCJ,DeyP.

How can I let the problem of ‘hurting my knee’ stop the pace of the majority of runners?” Therefore, Jiang Lifeng, the Zhejiang Second Orthopedic Doctor, decided to fight this problem to the end.

👆 Click the blue words above to follow our references [1] HorgaLM, HenckelJ, FotiadouA, et al.

In April this year, as a “provincial and county talent”, he was assigned to Suichang County People’s Hospital (Suichang Branch of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University) as a temporary vice president, and served as the executive director of the joint disease diagnosis and treatment center.

He consulted a large number of the latest literature and wanted to “challenge” the running industry with authoritative information and argumentation to answer the “difficult” question: Does running hurt your knee?! It was said that when this idea came into being, the doctor was running freely among the green rivers and green mountains in Suichang.

This doctor, who specializes in joint diseases, is also an out and out runner.

I’m not going to let you see the paper today! Instead, there was a doctor who was a “good athlete”.

Since the “double dip”, he has stayed in Suichang for at least four days a week.

He is good at diagnosis and treatment of bone and joint diseases, and the outpatient service is always crowded.

Don’t get me wrong.

Even though he is busy with his work, he will find time to run 2-3 times a week.

People in mountain villages often work hard and suffer from joint diseases.

By KingWay