The elbow joint of the back swing arm should be raised as much as possible, and then the front swing should be relaxed.

Without professional equipment and correct running posture, your health will be threatened at any time.

A female executive, who insisted on running on the treadmill every day, sweated like rain.

Try to keep your toes up and use the middle arch to land.

Some people even refused to run for this reason, thinking that running is a sport that hurts the knee.

Head and shoulders – keep the head and shoulders stable and head facing the front.


Legs and knees – The front swing of the legs and knees is not an upward lift.

Slowly press down on the ankle until the extensor digitorum and forefoot feel enough tension.

Unless the road is uneven, do not look forward.

Put your hands behind your head.

Stand with feet the same width as the hips.

Before each run, ask yourself: How many running skills do you know? Do you want to exercise or just look good at your running data? If you want to run, you need to learn these skills.

Skillful running will get twice the result with half the effort.


The fingers, wrists and arms should be relaxed, and the elbow angle is about 90 degrees.

Keep your head as far away from your tailbone as you can to keep your muscles as tight as possible, and train your core torso as you run..



Dynamic stretching – shrug.


Most running injuries are caused by running with your toes down.

Therefore, it is not that running is too strong, or that running destroys people, or that the body is too fragile, but that the wrong running method will really hurt the body.

Try to move your heel back and up under your hips.


The shoulders should be relaxed and drooped, and then should be lifted as far as possible, stay for a while, and repeat after restoration.

Waist – keep the waist naturally upright and the waist should not be too straight.


Keep your torso upright at all times.

Power extension – elbow lifting and arm swinging.

For more analysis of the injuries caused by the wrong exercise methods, please see the figure ▼ below (click to enlarge).

The purpose of your running exercise is to make your body and mind healthier.

So, is running too harmful to us? Or is our body too delicate? Or is it hearsay without scientific basis? Let’s take a look at the following two examples.

The two arms should be in a ready starting position, one in front and one behind.

Dynamic stretching – lunge press.


Today I’d like to share some running skills.

In addition, the front swing direction of the lower leg should be straight, and the feet should be as far forward as possible, and do not turn outward or backward, otherwise the knee joint and ankle joint will be easily injured.

▼ On the other side, Joan Benoit Samuelson, a gold medal athlete of American Marathon.

When landing, the calf should actively pull back to make the body actively move forward.

If you don’t want to hurt your knee in the future running, please write down these dry goods! You know, knee injuries are irreversible.

This will enable you to automatically adjust your movement posture correctly, so that you can land with the arched part when your foot lands.

calf sleeves running

Bend forward from the hips Keep your back straight until your biceps femoris feels tense.

The lower leg should not be crossed too far to avoid strain of the Achilles tendon due to excessive force.

Let your feet land at a frequency of about 170 to 180 times per minute.

Arm and hand – The range of left and right movements of the arm swinging forward and backward with the shoulder as the axis shall not exceed the midline of the body.

Your feet should fall below your hips, not in front of your body.


Dynamic stretching: bow the body in front.

Don’t step too big – your feet should fall below your hips.

Click 👇 Follow the “Dianfeng Outdoor” official account, and walk, walk and record together! I believe many people have heard that running will damage your knees.

Actively send the hips when swinging the legs forward, and pay attention to the rotation and relaxation of the hips when running.

Why is this? The hospital inspection found that her overloaded running amount and wrong running posture had worn away half of her patellofemoral joint cartilage.

In addition, the high temperature of the weather this year, dehydration, heatstroke, heat stroke, etc., add a lot of running risks to runners.


Lift the heel and put it down, feeling the tension in the calf and Achilles tendon.

Open your legs back and forth, the same width as your shoulders, slowly press down the center of your body until your muscles are tense, and then relax and restore.

Slightly tense the muscles, maintain the trunk position, and pay attention to buffering the impact of foot landing.

At the same time, pay attention to the buffering of calf muscles and Achilles tendons when landing.

Running seems simple and easy, but there are many hidden dangers behind it.

The premise of gaining health is to protect yourself from injury.

This makes it difficult to take too big a step.

Trunk and hip – keep upright from the neck down to the abdomen without leaning forward or backward, which is conducive to breathing, balance and stride.

But half a year later, she was very difficult to walk, which was like paralysis.

Get plenty of exercise in your torso – keep your abs tight while running with your feet raised.

When landing correctly, use the middle of the foot to land, and let the impact force quickly spread to the whole foot, kneel on the ground, hip close to the heel, and keep the upper body upright.

Dynamic stretching – forward bending and stretching.

Stand about 1m away from the wall, stretch your arms forward the same width as your shoulders, and support the wall with your hands.

Stand naturally, feet open, shoulder width apart.

As the action is accelerated, it will rise higher and higher.

Now she is an old lady in her sixties, but she still runs very hard.

Slowly bend your torso forward until your hands drop to your toes, hold for a while, and then recover.

Any lateral movement of the leg is redundant and easy to cause knee joint injury, so the front swing of the thigh should be straight.

Relax the shoulders properly and avoid chest.

Dynamic stretching – supporting the wall and lifting the heel.

Heel and toe – if the step is too large and the lower leg extends too far forward, the foot will follow the ground, generating brake reaction force, causing great damage to bones and joints.

Calf and Achilles Tendon – The foot should be about a foot in front of the body near the midline.

Check your footprints for reference while running on the beach.

Keep your toes up – try to keep your toes up.

The trunk should not sway from side to side or fluctuate too much.

By KingWay