The main source of this hot word is that Yang Yongxin was criticized by the public for treating Internet addicts through electric shock therapy.

04 finally, Mao Daqing said that running is a positive addiction (positive addiction).

This is where the power lies.

The modern definition thinks that addiction is a bad thing in essence.

Later, the treatment was asked to stop, and Yang Yongxin asked why he should give up the treatment.

You can do it alone.

Adam alter, a doctor of behavioral addiction psychology, believes that if a person cannot resist a behavior that can solve deep psychological needs in the short term, but will cause serious harm in the long term, it is behavioral addiction.

Why do you indulge in the Internet? The best-selling book “you can’t stop” which studies behavioral addiction mentions that the root of addiction is psychological pain.

Gambling, love, sex, shopping, exercise and work addiction, as well as alcohol, nicotine, drugs and other drugs addiction, modern people can hardly avoid behavioral addiction.

You believe that this activity will bring you value (physical or mental).


In 2014, four behavioral scientists measured the completion time of nearly 10 million marathon runners in the same picture.

6 They must be non self critical and fully accept themselves (to avoid being interfered by outsiders, so it is important to carry out activities alone).

It takes time to achieve active addiction.

There were nearly 50000 participants in the New York Marathon, and about 500 people could finish the race in 3 hours and 59 minutes, while only 390 people finished the race in 4 hours and 01 minutes.


The key is to determine the occurrence of the behavior by yourself, which can be completed independently.

Looking down, there are many Internet addicts around.

This is also the persuasive power of the goal: even if you are about to collapse, you will find the will to run.

Internet addiction is an unavoidable problem for mankind in the 21st century.

At the same time, in a happy mental state, the brain is free to operate and unrestricted.

People who love running, most of their lives are occupied by running.

Later, it was used by netizens to ridicule and blacken themselves to express “you are sick, go to the doctor.”.

William Glaser believes that the formation of “active addiction” also requires a period of pain, but this addiction can bring positive effects on all aspects of life and physical and mental health, so it is worth trying.

01 common “addiction” and the truth of “addiction” he abandoned therapy “in 2013,” he abandoned therapy “was elected as the” top ten most popular words on the Internet of the year “.

More people finish the race in 3 hours 58 minutes or 3 hours 59 minutes than in 4 hours 01 minutes or 4 hours 02 minutes.

Now, please focus on the milestone time half an hour apart, so that you can understand this study more clearly.

It can be seen that the former is much more common than the completion time slightly longer than the milestone (i.e.


Through the “addiction” to positive behaviors, I can make myself calm and optimistic about life.

At this time, the brain is full of energy and will.

What you do is non competitive, and you can do it well with one hour of investment every day.

These addictions diminish the meaning of our lives, make us ineffective in work and play, and weaken our interaction with others.

When someone asks, “is it difficult to run a marathon?” They even think it unreasonable, “how can I tell you if you don’t run?” A runner who sends a friend circle Memorial goal after participating in a marathon can inspire action, whether you want to run 100 marathons or run 330.

The difference in the scale of the New York Marathon, which attracts 50000 runners each year, can show how eager marathon runners are to complete the race within four hours.

Running won’t create miracles, but it can help you to focus on yourself, reflect and learn how to manage your life for a certain period of time..

Neurons move freely and connect, thus generating more neural pathways and bringing more ideas to our minds.

Running is the most difficult but most definite form of active addiction.


Competition, Pb and equipment are all topics they are keen to talk about.

They participate in marathons large and small, enjoy running all over the world, enjoy the cheers and encouragement of the audience along the way, enjoy the joy of winning medals, and enjoy every small progress…

In order to strive to reach a significant milestone, the players have found a deep energy reserve.

From teenagers who play truant and go to Internet cafes, otaku men and otaku women who claim to be afraid of society, to the low headed people who can be seen everywhere…

two or three short vertical bars on the right of the dark vertical bar).

Compared with serious addiction, they bring much less psychological trauma, but even minor trauma will drag people’s well-being over time—— Can’t stop 02 another addiction last May, runner Mao Daqing completed his 100th marathon in Prague.

You can persist and believe that you can improve.

calf sleeves running

03 “positive addiction” American psychologist and psychiatrist William Glaser believes that people can improve their lives by changing themselves.

In addition to daily reverse training, they also constantly update the content related to running on social networks.

The mental state of concentration and pleasure brought by active addiction will make us feel love and value and be full of enthusiasm for life.

If you want to cultivate a positive addiction, you can compare the following criteria to determine whether the activity you are engaged in may become a positive addiction – 1.

Active addiction is essentially a kind of psychological state obtained by personal experience through a certain behavior.

The dark vertical bar indicates the time to complete the race by stepping on the milestone (such as 2:59, 3:29, 3:59 and 4:29).

A busy entrepreneur and entrepreneur has run an average of 1.4 marathons per month for seven consecutive years, not including half marathon and training.

It is simple and effortless.

By KingWay