Benefits of interval running 1 Increase the maximum oxygen uptake and enhance the runner’s cardiopulmonary function.

The next time you run, it will be much easier, not as much as before.

How to run intermittently? The intensity of interval training is close to 100% of the maximum oxygen uptake.

The following principles should be followed when interval running: ● interval running is not suitable for beginners.

Of course, the pace used by runners with different abilities in interval running is also different.

It is recommended to start interval running after 4-6 weeks of training.

Therefore, if you want to increase your maximum oxygen uptake, you have to force yourself to train at the intensity corresponding to the maximum oxygen uptake as much as possible, so as to stimulate your cardiopulmonary system and increase your maximum oxygen uptake.

if you run at a 6:00 pace, your oxygen uptake is 30 ml / kg / min, which is equivalent to that you exercise at 75% of the maximum oxygen uptake intensity.

The maximum oxygen uptake is a professional term, which refers to the maximum amount of oxygen you can absorb when you reach the exercise limit.

At this time, you will feel much easier and no longer be so asthmatic.

Runners in the primary stage (those who are tired at a pace of 6 minutes) can train in groups of 400 meters.

How can I run without so much wheezing? No longer so uncomfortable—— The secret is “fighting poison with poison”.

Suppose your maximum oxygen uptake is 40 ml / kg / min.

Through interval, the fatigue can be recovered to a certain extent, but the fatigue will not be recovered 100%.

With intervals, the actual training time will reach 40~60 minutes.

At this time, you will be more asthmatic.

When we first started running, our endurance would be relatively poor, and we would always feel out of breath, especially uncomfortable.

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For runners with strong running ability (the pace can easily enter within 6 minutes), the training time of each group is 3-5 minutes.

● the training time of each time is generally between 2 and 5 minutes.

The purpose of intermission is to ensure that each group completes smoothly according to the predetermined pace.

● the training time of each run shall be controlled between 20 and 30 minutes.

What is interval running? Run fast for a while, take a rest, then run again, then take a rest.


Some scholars have found that the subjects who only have interval running training have improved their anti lactic acid ability.

● the heart rate shall reach 95%~100% of the maximum heart rate.

At the same time, it also needs to maintain the speed for a period of time.

improve the body’s anti lactic acid ability.

It is almost a fast running at the extreme aerobic intensity.

In the same race, runners who run economically can save more energy and run more easily.

Some studies have found that the improvement of runners’ running efficiency with intermittent training is 2 to 3 percentage points higher than that with continuous training.

This kind of running method of continuous circulation is interval running.

It’s OK.

Why is it that you don’t get asthma when you walk far, and you will get asthma when you run for a while? Because running is intense, you need to take in more oxygen.

● the ratio of training time to interval time is 1:1.

If your maximum oxygen uptake increases to 50 ml / kg / min, and you still run at a 6:00 pace, you will exercise at 60% of the maximum oxygen uptake intensity.

The higher the value, the better your endurance.


The core feature of interval running is alternating between high-intensity running and rest, because you can’t run hard all the time.

As for rest, it doesn’t matter whether to stop completely or use fast walking or jogging as a rest.

If the heart rate reaches the standard and the pace is still lower than the target pace, the heart rate shall prevail.

For example, if the training time today is 24 minutes and each group is 3 minutes, then 8 groups should be trained.

During the interval, the heart rate is required to recover to 65% – 79% of the maximum heart rate before starting the next group.

improve the economy of running, that is, run in a labor-saving and energy-saving way.

Of course, there are some differences between the two.

Running economy is also an important factor in running performance.

If the interval time is too short and the fatigue has not recovered enough, it will inevitably lead to obvious speed loss and fatigue in the next group; If the interval time is too long and the body fatigue almost completely recovers, it is not interval running.

At the same time, good running economy can make up for the shortcomings of runners in other physical qualities, such as lack of muscle strength.

Aren’t you panting when you run? Then you can just run faster and breathe harder.

This is the way to stop panting when you run – interval running.


Before interval training, the blood lactic acid value with a speed of 10 km / h is 2.5 mmol / L, while after training, the intensity of blood lactic acid reaching 2.5 mmol / L is 11.6 km / h, that is, at the same blood lactic acid level, the pace has been effectively improved, so at the same pace, it means that the blood lactic acid level is lower.

The lower level can be reduced to 4~6 groups…

Interval running the essence of interval setting is that fast running will make the body tired in a few minutes.

By KingWay