Now I feel exhausted and hard after running 8 or 9 km.


After a long time, you will become addicted.

For example, your running goal is to participate in a marathon.

If this cycle lasts for a period of time, it will certainly lead to a decline in physical fitness and sports performance.

In addition, targeted rehabilitation or treatment of the injury.


Excessive running is prone to running injury.

Principles to be followed in running 1.

At this time, a good choice is to take a rest run.

Reasonable boundaries should be to keep good things inside and dangerous things out.

There is an old Chinese saying that too much is better than less.

We like running, and we run for health.


The performance of excessive running 1.

Running should follow the principle of adjusting measures to individual conditions.

Running is not an overnight thing.

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Long term excessive running will reduce the function of various organ systems, indirectly resulting in insufficient running ability, decreased body response ability, decreased sense of balance and decreased muscle elasticity, which may affect the normal play of running ability.

Considering the increase of membrane permeability, it may lead to running urine.


No matter how much you like running, it is not recommended to run every day.

Two days’ rest is the best choice.

It advocates gradual and chronism, but necessary running breaks are also essential.

Like all sports, it pays attention to the principle of step-by-step and long-term ism.

Dizziness and tinnitus, and even lead to loss of will, loss of muscle tone and sudden syncope.



In case of physical injury, excessive running for a long time will also cause various running injuries.

Remember: we should run for a lifetime, not for a while..

Running too much “makes you look older”.

In short, excessive running is easy to stimulate sports injury, affect the exercise ability, cause low body immunity, seriously lead to kidney damage or nervous system interference, increase the production of free radicals, look aging, and cause damage to the body.

The harm of excessive running to the nervous system excessive running can also lead to memory loss, dizziness, headache and insomnia.

That is, if you want to improve or improve something through running, you can choose a running plan or project selectively.

Why do some people run younger and why do some people run older? Excessive running for a long time will lead to increased production of free radicals in the body.

There may also be symptoms of neurological disorders, such as pale complexion, nausea and sweating.


The harm of excessive running to urinary system excessive running will cause the body to sweat a lot, reduce renal blood flow, concentrate urine and produce hypertonic urine.

The principle of gradual progress is to require runners to have enough recovery time after running, so that the body can fully adapt to the running load, increase the running load in the excessive recovery stage, and achieve the best exercise effect.

No matter how much you like running, don’t run too much.


Running should follow the principle of gradual progress.

I hate running and don’t want to run.

Once you stop running, you will feel sleepy, depressed, often depressed, excitable, anxious and uncomfortable.

Running should follow the principle of gradual chronism.

If I run too much, I will feel tired of running.

The running goal can’t reach the 10K that was easily completed before.

The principle of specialization refers to selecting appropriate running items and training plans, formulating running programs and arranging running activities according to the purpose of running.

Hazards of excessive running 1.

If you run too much for a long time, it is easy to have a negative impact on your sports performance.


However, if you find that your legs and other muscles are sore for a long time, you may have run too much.

The heart rate is higher than usual.

Generally, after running, normal muscle soreness will disappear naturally.

Your running training plan and method are completely different.

Running is not only a physical exercise, but also an exercise of will and perseverance.

During excessive running, vasoconstriction is the body’s hypoxia and carbon dioxide storage, resulting in acute kidney damage.

For many beginners, running for many consecutive days can cause chronic joint strain, fasciitis and other diseases.


If the overload principle is not well controlled, the principle of step-by-step is not mastered, and the running load increases too fast, the body will not adapt to running, and fatigue will continue to accumulate, resulting in excessive fatigue, which will not only fail to achieve the expected effect, but also may cause injury.


The necessary running breaks will benefit you.

After running, muscle soreness lasts for a long time.



A large amount of running will increase an “endorphin” produced by the human body, which is released into the blood in large quantities, making people feel excited and inhibiting all kinds of discomfort and pain.

It means that when doing things, we should set reasonable boundaries.

When the normal running plan is in progress, your heart rate is much higher than usual, which is a signal.

Running should follow the principle of specialization.

This sentence is also suitable for running and sports.

Excessive running can cause the harm of decreased running ability.



You start a new run before your body has fully recovered.

The longer it takes, the older it looks.

The performance of sports outside running decreases.

Excessive running will cause people to suffer from mental dependence.

If you run too much for a long time or never rest, your body is always in a tired state.

The selection of running items should not only conform to your own interests, but also suit your physical conditions.

If you insist on running every day, you should climb the fifth floor and don’t breathe, but if you feel very tired and tired after climbing the stairs, you may exercise too much at this time.

His running goal is to improve sleep.

By KingWay