Take a little breath first, put your hands on your chest and abdomen respectively, then slowly and deeply, gradually put your stomach away and exhale from your mouth.

Can you breathe? You may think I have a bad head to ask this question.

Efficient runners have high breathing efficiency.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for several times to experience the feeling of active exhaust and relaxation of inhalation, and feel the actions of chest and abdomen.

These will be the benefits brought by the “invisible power” of abdominal breathing..

How to practice effective breathing? If you have never tried abdominal breathing, you can start to practice according to the following steps: 1.

We call this less efficient breathing “shallow breathing”.

It seems that you need to carry a gas bottle to have enough oxygen to use.

Also, because the space of the abdominal cavity is increased, the fluctuation of the chest will be relatively small, Then oxygen is introduced into the deep lungs.

Perhaps it should be said that they do not use efficient breathing methods; You may have such experience that as long as you run fast, the slope is steep, or you are nervous during the race, you will feel gradually out of breath.

You have to slow down, and you can’t slow down if you want.

You will feel that the diaphragm will naturally relax and rise, expelling the air from your abdomen and chest.

Many people’s shoulders are easy to get nervous.

Compared with shallow breathing, the deep “abdominal breathing” of the abdomen and diaphragm can make the exhaust active.

While inhaling, focus on the abdomen, and let the abdomen expand slowly with the inhalation of air.

The muscles in motion need an endless supply of oxygen to continue to move.

It may be hard to imagine, but the diaphragms and intercostals actually take up as much as 80% of the breathing.

The oxygen inhaled is not enough, and the muscles have no energy, so they have to reduce their work efficiency, and you will run harder and harder.

Most people will blame cardiopulmonary training and lack of muscle strength for easy panting and weak climbing.

If you take the diaphragm as the starting point of breathing, you can introduce air into the abdomen and increase the volume of air entering the body.

Bending down will compress the chest and abdominal cavity, making the inspiratory capacity smaller, and the compressed diaphragm and core muscle groups will be difficult to trigger; Try to stretch your feet as wide as your shoulders and keep your upper body straight.

You might as well jump and turn your shoulders, so that your shoulders hang naturally on both sides of your body.

David Ross of the University of California Medical Center also said, “the deeper you breathe, the more lobes of the lungs that trigger the action, and the more efficient the alveoli are in exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide, so your muscles can get enough energy to maintain exercise.” As for the problem of flank pain that occurs to some runners, in addition to the cause of exercise overload, it is also related to the untrained deep muscles near the diaphragm, resulting in poor contraction ability of the diaphragm.

This may be one of the reasons, but have you ever thought that these conditions are also closely related to respiratory skills? If you are used to chest breathing, most of the air in your lungs is passively discharged when you exhale, which is often not completely discharged, resulting in a limited amount of oxygen when you inhale again.

Abdominal breathing is a skill that can be practiced at any time.

Soon you will find that the degree of exertion at the same speed is reduced and the endurance of long-distance running is improved.

If you do well, the hand placed on the abdomen will be concave with the abdomen, while the hand in front of the chest will only be slightly pressed in, or even no change.

Who can’t breathe?! But in fact, many runners, especially novices, are not very good at breathing.

running sling bag

Then you breathe, and you will have gradually heavy legs, hunched back, and even annoying flank pain.

Speaking of breathing, it seems that everyone can, but in fact, many runners, especially novices, are not very good at breathing.


As we can see from the above figure, our diaphragms and ribs will make the chest expand (inhale) or shrink (exhale).


Perhaps it should be said that they do not use efficient breathing.

If the process is not very smooth, re-examine whether your upper body is upright, whether the inhalation and exhalation are slow and deep, put your mind on your abdomen, start from your abdomen, and guide the air to be discharged and inhaled through your mouth and nose.

At the beginning, you may not be used to such deep muscle operation, but please try to visualize and use this breathing method all day long, and start with a slower and easier running, so that the rhythm of abdominal breathing matches the running speed, until you can use abdominal breathing freely, and then gradually increase the running speed, and soon you will find that the effort at the same speed is reduced, The endurance of long-distance running practice has also improved, and the pace of starting running seems to be less rapid and more relaxed than before.

Exhale the air completely as far as possible, and then slowly inhale from the nose.

Once the exercise intensity is increased, it is easy to twitch and cause flank pain.

At the same time, this deep muscle breathing method can also help you focus more on the core muscle groups, and the running posture and movements are not easy to lose shape due to the increase of intensity or distance.

Imagine that your spine is gradually lengthening and extending from the top of your head to the sky.

To do a good job of abdominal breathing, you must first have a good standing posture.


On the one hand, it can more thoroughly discharge the metabolized carbon dioxide, on the other hand, it can also increase the capacity of inhalation, let the inhaled oxygen go deep into the alveoli, and improve the efficiency of blood oxygen exchange.

You will feel that the tension of the diaphragm gradually increases and the contraction decreases, and the air begins to be introduced from the abdomen and gradually fills the entire abdomen and chest.

What is correct breathing? Brunel University in the UK has studied the correlation between breathing muscles and leg muscles of marathon runners, and found that the harder the runner breathes, the greater the burden on his legs; Dr.

If you have grasped the technique of abdominal breathing, the hand placed on your abdomen will move with the introduction of air and the expansion of your abdomen, and the hand in front of your chest will slightly float out, or the wind will not move.

After practice, everyone can improve the efficiency of breathing.

By KingWay