Sports drinks can help supplement the salt and minerals lost in sweat, which should be supplemented in time.

The weather is so hot.

02 add water in time.

Therefore, the first thing we should do is to reduce the temperature and get rid of the heat source.

You should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Huoxiang Zhengqi water may aggravate dehydration.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to nutrition balance in summer and supplement enough protein, such as fish, milk and beans.

Sun protection in summer: sunburn will affect the cooling capacity of the body and cause dehydration.

Especially for comatose patients, pinching may even cause accidental inhalation and asphyxia due to pain stimulation, but there is a potential risk of aggravation.

When the patient’s body temperature drops below 38 ℃, forced cooling methods such as blowing and sprinkling cold water should be stopped.

Supplement salt and minerals: a lot of sweating will lose salt and minerals.

Secondly, the alcohol content of Huoxiang Zhengqi water is 40%~50%.

Correct treatment of heatstroke 01 quickly stay away from the high temperature environment and help the patient to lie down in a cool and ventilated place nearby.

Now you know how to deal with heatstroke correctly? I hope that in this warm season, all runners can feel the beauty and happiness of summer.

03 rapid cooling local cooling with ice bags or ice cubes in the armpit, head and obvious inguinal artery; You can also use medical alcohol and warm water to wipe the whole body repeatedly, and then use a fan or electric fan to blow the hair to accelerate the heat dissipation of the body, but pay attention to moderation.

Heatstroke can be as mild as nausea and vomiting, and as severe as life-threatening.

Wear sunshades and sunglasses outdoors, and apply sunscreen with appropriate sun protection factor 30 minutes before going out.

Many people will make mistakes.

If the patient is conscious, let him drink some light saline.

You should go to a cool place to have a rest in time.

At this time, the high-risk stage of heat stroke death (heat spasm, heat failure, heat stroke disease) is reached.

Heatstroke can be divided into several types 01.

Taking antipyretics is counterproductive.

Under high temperature environment, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, nausea, inattention and other manifestations indicate that the body has been dehydrated.

Reasonable diet: the summer climate is hot, and people’s appetite generally decreases, which will limit the absorption of nutrients and reduce the body’s resistance.


It can also massage the skin and muscles of heatstroke patients to accelerate blood circulation and promote heat dissipation.

Do not drink coffee or alcoholic beverages.

The mechanism of heatstroke fever is different from that caused by bacterial or viral infection.

Reasonably arrange outdoor activities: when the weather is hot, try to arrange outdoor activities in the morning or at night.

If your heart beats faster, you can’t breathe, you feel dizzy and flustered during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately and have a rest in time.

In serious cases, it may cause brain edema and coma.

Because a lot of sweating will be accompanied by electrolyte loss, if you just drink a lot of cold water at this time, it will lead to diluted hyponatremia in the human body, which is commonly known as “water poisoning”.

Immediate medical treatment and timely treatment can also return to normal.

At this time, there is still time to remedy immediately.

This heatstroke prevention strategy should be read carefully by runners.

03 there is an imbalance in the body temperature regulation ability of severe heat stroke, which is manifested in high fever, coma, even convulsions and sudden death.

Drink cold water violently to avoid “water poisoning”.

At this time, you should drink a small amount of water several times, drink it separately, and add some salt appropriately to get a better effect.

You should not deal with it by yourself to avoid delaying the treatment time.

Do these things.

Pinching can only stimulate pain.

Untie his clothes and raise his feet at the same time, which is conducive to increasing the blood supply to the patient’s brain and also plays the role of heat dissipation.

Follow the wechat of Jilin running group to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

The diet should be light, not high calorie, greasy, spicy food, because these foods are not easy to digest, increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract..

Do not forcibly feed water to people who are already unconscious to avoid airway obstruction or vomiting and suffocation.

Are all your jogging companions still running? Do you also think that heat stroke is just a little uncomfortable, and then Huoxiang Zhengqi water can solve all the problems of heat stroke? In fact, it is not necessary.

be careful! Wrong first aid is not only counterproductive, but also harmful to self first aid after heat stroke.

Don’t drink a lot of water when you are thirsty, otherwise it will make the gastrointestinal tract difficult to adapt.


Most of them can be relieved gradually.

prepare for sunscreen and heatstroke prevention to keep cool: choose lightweight, light colored, loose clothes, keep cool indoors, and stay in a cool place or a cool place as far as possible.

It is the same as pinching the thigh.

After taking it, it may cause serious dehydration, and heatstroke injury will be more serious.

running shin sleeves

Scientific drinking water, reasonable diet scientific drinking water: don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water.

The heat caused by heat stroke is the heat accumulated in the body due to the blockage of the heat dissipation center of the human body, and the heat cannot be dissipated through sweating; The antipyretic drugs are mainly used to cool the body by sweating.

Therefore, physical cooling is preferred after heat stroke.

Taking antipyretic drugs after heatstroke will backfire.

You need to replenish water reasonably after heatstroke, but it is not recommended to drink a lot of cold water.

It can not be used for first aid.

If possible, move to an air-conditioned room.

The root cause of heat stroke is the serious imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation.

However, it is not appropriate to add too much water, otherwise it will cause discomfort symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea.

It is recommended to reduce outdoor activities in hot days.

The correct way is to drink water at any time to keep the water the body needs.

Pay attention to rest during exercise and adjust the intensity of outdoor sports.

Run away from heatstroke to prevent heatstroke.

In addition to nausea and vomiting, mild heatstroke is accompanied by increased heart rate, elevated body temperature, uncoordinated movements, etc.

In summer, people like to eat cold drinks, but cold drinks will cause the contraction of gastric mucosal capillaries, and then affect the secretion of pepsin, gastric acid and other digestive juices, and even bring a variety of gastrointestinal diseases, such as stomach pain, diarrhea and so on.

First of all, Huoxiang Zhengqi water is mainly used to relieve external dampness, regulate qi and balance, and for colds caused by exogenous wind cold, internal dampness stagnation or summer dampness, that is, hot colds; Heat stroke is not the indication of Huoxiang Zhengqi water.

it is not easy to relieve after rest and drinking water.

By KingWay