After major competitions or high-intensity speed training, professional athletes often use jogging to adjust and recover their physical fitness, which can not only reduce injuries, but also maintain the fun of running.

Fast running for one hour can only consume 250 calories, while jogging for one hour can consume 400 calories! Fat is a slow energy source, and its energy supply ratio can only be cultivated in low intensity.

Once the running speed is too fast and exceeds the aerobic range of exercise, the proportion of fat metabolism will be reduced.

In the daily training of professional marathon athletes, 70% or 80% of the running volume is aerobic jogging, while the speed training is generally controlled at about 20%.

The most effective fat burning effect requires a single run of about 45-60 minutes.

The general definition is that for each runner, the speed of jogging is 50-60% of the maximum speed and 60-80% of the maximum heart rate.

If you want to run fast, you need to slow down first.

The accumulation of slow quantitative changes to a certain extent will naturally achieve fast qualitative changes, which may be more in line with the scientific principles and basic philosophy of running.

It doesn’t matter whether you can run fast or not.

“I walk faster than you.” “it’s better not to run if I run so slowly.” “jogging is garbage and useless.” have you been hit by such words? Many runners start running for the sake of health, but when they run, they start to pursue higher speed.

In fact, speed doesn’t mean anything.

How slow should jogging be? How slow should “jogging” be? Is there a specific standard speed for reference? Everyone feels different about speed.

What kind of speed do you think is jogging for you? Let’s talk together ~ some of the pictures in this article are from network infringement.

Jogging for at least 30 minutes five days a week can also help prevent cancer.

Because only by slowing down the speed and laying a good foundation for endurance can you have the basic ability to run faster.

As long as you run healthy and happy, that’s what we amateur runners should have in mind.

Jogging is also the most healthy way to run.

Therefore, it is impossible to define jogging speed with a unified speed standard.

Many people may not think that jogging burns fat more than fast running.

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As the saying goes: “good jogging, healthy forever”! Jogging is more conducive to weight loss.

Therefore, only when the oxygen is relatively sufficient during the low and medium intensity aerobic running can the fat be metabolized and burned more.

Jogging with slight sweating is a standard relaxation exercise, which is more conducive to the improvement of new cardiopulmonary function than vigorous exercise.

Generally speaking, jogging will not lead to muscle soreness, nor will it lead to sports injury and the trouble of injury pain.

Jogging can prevent muscle atrophy, reduce the impact of aging, and is beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

The original intention is the standard to test whether the runner is pure or not.

Therefore, moderate and low intensity jogging is the most ideal way to reduce fat.

If you don’t have the patience to slow down the speed, in fact, you can’t really get up.

You won’t feel very tired during running.

After running, you will feel very comfortable.

In fact, running slowly is really nothing! Jogging is enough to keep healthy for most mass runners, the purpose of our running is not to win prizes in running competitions, but to have a healthier body through running and get happiness from running.

Slow first and then fast.

With the same 5-point pace, some people think it is easy to run and warm up, while others think it is already the speed of sprint.

You can’t be fast without slow.

Jogging keeps the heart rate within an aerobic range.

If you want to run fast, you need to slow down first.

He feels relaxed and comfortable, does not feel tired, breathes naturally, gasps slightly, and can talk and chat while running.

It is as comfortable as heart massage.

The result is that the more tired you run, the less you can achieve the best effect of burning fat.

Accumulate enough slow first and then try to be fast.

Sometimes they run slowly and even feel embarrassed to punch in the circle of friends or running friends.

The faster you run, the greater the intensity, the slower the fat burning speed, and the more general the effect of reducing fat and weight.

Many professional runners said after their retirement that jogging is the essence of running.

Because jogging can make you run longer.

If you want to improve your health, jogging is enough.

Moreover, jogging is relatively more able to lengthen your running time and distance.

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By KingWay