Of course, there are also some people who run “quietly”.

We must have seen such runners.

After a long time, it’s hard to affect others except ourselves.

However, in other people’s hearts, they may feel that, for example, people will think that this person has not lost much weight after running for so long, and how this person has become older and uglier after running for so long.

On the contrary, they will receive some negative feedback.

However, as far as running itself is concerned, we should keep a low profile, otherwise we will receive some advice, such as: running hurts the knee.

We can only judge from their changes in body shape, because they don’t think they can break through themselves or run very well, so we don’t want others to know, Generally, these runners are old runners who have been running for many years.

At the same time, there are also many types of runners.

In fact, they are so active.

Running is a person who doesn’t send a circle of friends after running.

Now that there are runners everywhere, running is no longer the “advantage” of an individual.

For old runners, running is like three meals a day.

And now many people can run about 10 kilometers.

For them, it seems that they have been doing a very meaningful thing, trying to influence more people with their own actions.

After all, everyone has his own rhythm.

However, running itself is a “lonely” sport.

camel pack running

With their own running data, they tirelessly punch in the running group or circle of friends.

Maybe such people are lonely.

Buddhist runners are always “worried” about the safety of their opponents.

In addition, they also have some soul chicken soup.

Runners and non runners have completely different attitudes towards running, so you must not try to convince each other, which is meaningless.

After running, they will send a circle of friends.

We can’t have three meals a day.

Whether it’s his circle of friends or his state, we can always find some clues.

Some are Buddhist runners, while others regard running as the whole of their spare time life.

This is what runners really need to do, rather than taking running as the release of their emotions.

I wish you a healthier running…

I especially admire those who run “quietly”.

At the stage of obsession and even addiction, these two types of runners have different attitudes towards running.

Caption: if someone around you is running, I’m sure you know it.

They “secretly” change themselves, and then make a big splash.

Seriously focus on running itself and feel the benefits of running with a kind of transformation.

If you aim to run healthily, the data that are not prominent will not attract other people’s “attention”.

After all, they have passed a period of excitement.

By KingWay