Tips: running is only one of the training methods.

If they are panting, it means that the intensity is too high.


Exercise intensity should not be too high.

Hypotension requires multiple interventions.

It is recommended to jog.

In addition, in terms of daily life, doctors usually also recommend controlling diet, quitting smoking and drinking, and maintaining a happy mood.

It takes time to exercise to reduce blood pressure.

For runners who don’t have intelligent sports equipment, the intensity that they can still talk intermittently when running can be controlled.

If you don’t exercise today, your blood pressure will drop immediately.

If you have hypertension and diabetes at the same time, it is recommended to eat something before exercising in the morning, and then go out for exercise an hour later.

It is suggested to exercise after 7 o’clock in the evening, that is, half an hour to an hour after dinner.

Why? Let’s talk about it today.

No matter which kind of antihypertensive drug is taken, it can reduce blood pressure by 10-20mmhg.

As the saying goes, “you can’t eat a mouthful and become fat”.

Hypertension, as one of the most common chronic diseases, is also regarded as the main killer of health.

Fat reduction and blood pressure reduction in the early stage of hypertension, neuromodulation disorders will make sympathetic nerves overexcited, heart rate accelerated, myocardial contractility enhanced, and then blood pressure increased.


Exercise can exercise cardiopulmonary function, consume too much fat, reduce weight, discharge excess sodium ions, relax blood vessels, and reduce blood pressure.

Generally, the maximum heart rate of 65 ~ 79% is the best.


You can take a look at the following figure: ▲ generally, for patients with grade 1 hypertension, that is, if the blood pressure is within 160/100mmhg, they can be controlled through exercise first, and the effect is obvious.

Many studies abroad have confirmed that whether for hereditary or acquired hypertension, strengthening exercise and controlling diet can play a good role in reducing blood pressure.

If they can’t do the following points well, they will not only fail to reduce blood pressure, but also damage their bodies.

After exercise, you must pay attention to rest and keep your mood stable.

Sudden rise and other actions are easy to cause sudden rise of blood pressure, resulting in dizziness, wrestling and other accidents.

We look forward to your joining (please reply to the keyword joining the group plus wechat on the background of the official account to join the group) -.

Suggestion on exercise time: for patients with hypertension, it is better to exercise in the morning later than 10 o’clock, because 6 to 10 o’clock in the morning is the peak of blood pressure rise, and it is also the high incidence period of myocardial infarction and stroke.

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Pay attention to acting according to your ability and step by step.

Scientific basis for running to lower blood pressure can running really lower blood pressure? sure! The 2018 edition of the Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension clearly points out that proper aerobic exercise can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Many people join the running army to reduce blood pressure.


Don’t myth the therapeutic effect of exercise! ▲ if other diseases are combined, it is necessary to take medicine for control first, and after specific evaluation, it is suggested whether exercise can be carried out according to the situation of the combined diseases.

Don’t stop and start in a hurry during warm-up.

If you want to exercise to reduce blood pressure, patience is a necessary condition! Thank you for reading this article.

Relaxation, long-term mental tension and anxiety are also important factors causing elevated blood pressure.

It is recommended to rest for 30 minutes after exercise.

▲ for grade 2 and 3 patients, it is mainly drug control, supplemented by exercise to reduce blood pressure.

If you continue to exercise with high intensity, it is very likely to lead to a surge in blood pressure and accidents.

Since scientific research has proved that running can reduce blood pressure reliably, how can you put it on yourself without any effect? It seems that the problem lies in the effect of running on blood pressure, but it also has something to do with the treatment plan and living habits other than exercise.

If you persist in exercise, but have an eating disorder, or work in a high-pressure environment for a long time with high nervous tension, it is also not conducive to blood pressure control.

Welcome to join our 1 National exchange group if you have run in Shengze area, you can join 2 Shengze running friends join the group and run together.

If you continue to exercise or fail to reduce blood pressure, you can think about whether you have failed to do anything else? Precautions for running to reduce blood pressure in the process of communicating with fans, the run Xiaobian found that many patients with hypertension also had some misunderstandings during exercise.

If you like it, please share it with running friends.


An effective exercise can reduce blood pressure by about 10mmhg, and this effect can last for about 12 hours.

If your body is in a difficult state, you can choose more gentle aerobic exercises such as walking, Taijiquan and cycling.

Moderate exercise can make you feel happy, reduce the excitement of cerebral cortex, regulate autonomic nerve function and vasodilation and contraction, and play a role in reducing blood pressure.

Especially for hypertensive patients with cervical spondylosis, head movement must be slow.

Maintaining effective exercise is equivalent to half a tablet to one tablet of diuretics or calcium antagonists.

But others say that exercise can lower blood pressure, but you can’t see the effect on yourself.

Generally, it is not recommended to eat before exercise, but for people with hypertension and diabetes at the same time, going to exercise without eating is likely to have hypoglycemic symptoms and even syncope.

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By KingWay