It is much safer and more scientific.

Note that it is not the same thing as many so-called anti-x drugs in the market.

So L-carnitine plays the role of a porter! Little by little, the long-chain fatty acids are carried outside the shield and sent to mitochondria for further oxidation! 2.

There are also many brands specialized in fitness tonics in this regard, and research and development of fat reducing products for professional fitness professionals.

Mitochondria can burn fat to release energy, which is consumed by the body, but long-chain fatty acids can not pass through this obstacle smoothly.

The more fat, the looser our meat becomes; The thinner the fat layer, the more obvious the muscle lines and the tighter the body.

Red meat is the main source of L-carnitine, that is, L-carnitine is an amino acid derivative separated from meat, so it is called “carnitine”.

It’s not like many people who go on a diet at the thought of losing weight, and think it’s always right to eat less weight.

When the liver sugar is insufficient, the fat energy supply will be consumed.

Those who want to have a good figure without body fat are hooligans.

Today I will take you to a comprehensive understanding, so that your fat reduction efficiency can be greatly improved.

To promote fatigue recovery, excessive lactic acid production during exercise will increase the acidity of blood and tissue fluid, reduce the generation of ATP, and lead to fatigue.

In short, the liver sugar function in the body will be consumed first during exercise.

Help fat burn L-carnitine is an essential coenzyme in the process of fat metabolism, which can promote the entry of fatty acids into mitochondria for oxidative decomposition.

So many fitness professionals will have their own fixed fat brushing plan, such as left-hand rotation + training, with eating and sleeping, to brush off excess body fat.

Many people are familiar with left-handed rotation.

If you don’t pay attention to it, the thief will rebound.

You can use it without exercise.

At the same time, L-carnitine can also promote the oxidative utilization of branched chain amino acids, change the activity of respiratory enzymes in mitochondria, and thus improve the ability of aerobic oxidation function of the body.

L-carnitine supplementation can promote the activity of pyruvate deaminase in cells, thus promoting the oxidative utilization of glucose, which is conducive to delaying the occurrence of fatigue during exercise.

If the body fat goes down, not only will the body look better, but also the body burden will be reduced, and the shaping will be more powerful.

running shin sleeves

At this time, if the carnitine in the body is insufficient, the consumption of fatty acids will not keep up, which will lead to anaerobic metabolism of liver sugar or glucose, and accumulation of lactic acid will lead to fatigue.

Many friends say that you have been lying thin! What is L-carnitine? L-carnitine, also known as L-carnitine, translated into Chinese as carnitine, is an amino acid that promotes the conversion of fat into energy.

Dieting hurts the body.


2 the role of L-carnitine 1.

L-carnitine can promote the oxidation of fatty acids through the mitochondrial membrane for energy supply, so it can promote the fat combustion in the body to provide energy during exercise.

L-carnitine has always been an essential tonic for fitness professionals.

As an old bodybuilding cannon, we strongly recommend “levorotatory 100000”, the flagship fat burning supplement of notland, with a total of 100000 levorotatory units, which is very efficient! Nutr.

The metabolic process of fat has to go through an obstacle, which is the mitochondrial membrane.

If you want to further improve the fat burning efficiency and make weight loss easier, you might as well choose a more powerful power – L-carnitine while improving the above methods.


There is a saying in the fitness industry: “I feel I have lost 100 million without drinking levorotatory before practice.”.

By KingWay