The combination of intensity and time or intensity and distance can reflect the amount of exercise, depending on what goals are determined before exercise.

The stretching during warm-up should be moderate, and excessive stretching may cause damage.

④ Running can also directly and effectively alleviate and eliminate adverse physiological symptoms, and the alleviation and elimination of adverse physiological symptoms will alleviate and eliminate all kinds of adverse emotions to a certain extent, such as anxiety, depression, tension, anger, anxiety, etc., which can vent all kinds of adverse emotions, so as to improve mental health.

③ When running, runners must focus their attention, and have purposeful perception, memory, thinking and imagination, which need the central nervous system of the brain to complete.

When you feel a little full at each meal, you can only eat half full at dinner.

It can also promote the development of perceptual ability, enhance the flexibility, coordination and response speed of thinking and imagination, and is conducive to the improvement of College Students’ self harmony.

Relax your hands and don’t clench your fists, because clenching your fists is a tense posture, which will make you unable to swing your arms easily and naturally.

After running, do a good job of finishing exercise, let the body cool down slowly and then stretch.

justrelax。 Three seven steps to eliminate knee pain “running hurts the knee, climbing hurts the knee”.

Be thinner.

No matter what the exercise is, it is necessary to avoid sudden start and stop and high impact movements..

College students participating in running training 4 or 5 times a week can effectively improve the coordination of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex and improve their central nervous system.

In a word, there are many benefits of running ~two correct running posture before teaching correct running posture, let’s answer the following questions: when running, do you land on the front foot or the back heel? How high are your legs? What is the stride? How does the arm swing? You must have suffered a lot from the wrong running posture: you are tired, you can’t run far, your knees ache, and your shoulders are sour…

Raise your head, keep your chest straight, lean forward slightly, and keep your upper body straight.

The stretching time should be longer, and all joints should be fully extended, but in the principle of no pain.

It is one of the common sports forms for college students.

Choose a pair of running shoes that can buffer vibration and increase stability, and do some intensive training specifically for the knee joint, such as squatting against the wall.


3-5 times a week is enough.


If you want to be strong, run! If you want to keep fit, run! If you want to be smart, run.

compression sleeve shin splints

Therefore, if you want to exercise without hurting the joints, you should choose the appropriate exercise intensity.

It looks like a thief and is easy to cramp.

Run less.

More care.

However, the correct running posture can not only make you run easier, but also make you run faster.

Warm up carefully.

The main thing is not to deliberately press down on the ankle to let the front foot touch the ground first.

There is no need to run every day.

Maintain the knee joint when not exercising.


There are many benefits of one happy running ① running training can effectively improve college students’ self harmony and self flexibility, and effectively reduce the disharmony between College Students’ self and experience.

Run short.

Run slowly.

Exercise can reduce the pain of arthritis, maintain the muscle strength around the affected joints, reduce the degree of joint stiffness, prevent functional decline, and improve mental health and quality of life.

⑤ In addition, it is also conducive to the formation of good interpersonal relationships among college students, to people’s physical and mental health, to promote personal development, and to avoid psychological imbalance.

Running is simple and convenient.

The postural stability of the upper body has a great impact on breathing and rhythm.

Naturally swing your arms back and forth, open your shoulders back, relax, do not shrug, and bend your elbows by about 90 °.

Do not land on your heels or front toes! When landing, let the soles of your feet touch the ground as much as possible.

In the process of participating in physical exercise, it can help college students to establish self-confidence and avoid inferiority complex.

Of course, there are more than the above.

It’s OK to land on the front foot, or on the whole foot.

The closer the sole of the foot is to the ground, the smaller the impact on the joint is.

It is not restricted by venues, equipment and skills.

You can do strength training or stretching exercises when you are not running.

The more strenuous and intensive the exercise, the greater the pressure on the joints.

Run low.

The exercise time and distance should not be too long.

Although sports is a kind of physical activity, because people will have a pleasant feeling after sports, this experience can guide people to vent their negative emotions in sports, and the negative energy of psychology will not accumulate into psychological problems.

It plays an important role in solving psychological problems and improving mental health level for college students with emotional instability and psychological distress.

The fatter a person is, the greater the pressure it is under.

It is feasible at any time.

Even if obese people do not exercise, the knee joint pressure is not small.

People who don’t like sports usually use this as an excuse to be lazy.

The knee joint bears most of the weight of the whole body.

Don’t bow or lean back.

In this way, it will become running on the toes.

If you can easily chat with others or answer the phone while running, instead of being out of breath, this exercise intensity is suitable and safe, with little impact on the joints.

You should feel a little tired after exercise, but if you don’t want to eat after running, you should reduce the weight next time.

Pay attention to three meals and control your diet.

Low refers to the height of the sole of the foot off the ground during running, which means that the running posture should be correct, with small stride and high stride frequency.

Don’t push! Don’t push! Don’t push! Those who push hard on the ground use their feet as rocket launchers? Did you hear your knees and ankles crying? 4.

② Persisting in long-term running can make all functional systems of the body enter an active state, and all organs can obtain sufficient oxygen and nutrients through good blood circulation, so as to effectively promote the healthy development of the whole body, which also lays a solid and good material foundation for the normal and healthy development of human psychology.

Therefore, to protect the joints, we must lose weight.

The time is generally about half an hour to an hour.

The high leg raising stride of “bang bang” will certainly hurt the joint.

In order to protect the joints, warm-up before exercise should be sufficient and serious, and do not run in a hurry.

By KingWay