One year after standing in Wuji Tai Chi station, the physique was greatly enhanced.

From the Western point of view, sub-health cannot be treated because of unknown etiology; From the perspective of traditional medicine, sub-health is due to insufficient Qi and blood, blocked meridians, weak viscera function and insufficient energy.

The effect of standing piles? Practicing the limitless Tai Chi stake skill can enhance vitality, increase Qi and blood, dredge meridians, enhance immunity, enhance self-healing ability, and automatically solve various physical and mental problems.

Sub-health people feel unwell, but western medicine examination can not find problems and specific lesions.

I am busy all year round.

Black and white reversed, day and night shift work, irregular diet, poor intestines and stomach, perennial insomnia, palpitations, and quick rescue pills.

running beanie

It takes 5 minutes every day to Nourish Qi and blood, enhance immunity, tonify liver and kidney, remove dampness and toxin, improve cervical and lumbar spine, and reverse sub-health.


The answer is: limitless Tai Chi stake skill! Case 1 coordinates Beijing.

He said goodbye to sub-health.

The results are as follows: Huang: functional health; Green: low function; Gray: medium function.

Practicing Wuji taijizhuanggong can improve it.

Case 3 coordinates: Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

By standing on the limitless Tai Chi stake for one year, you can improve your sleep, be healthy and energetic, and alleviate your heart problems for many years.

Weakness, overwork, bad habits, even surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, excessive indulgence, etc., overdraft vitality.

While the spine was repaired, wenpengfei felt that the pain around his shoulder disappeared, and he became energetic.

So how can we fundamentally solve the sub-health problem? CCTV4 exposed such a kind of exercise: it is simpler than swimming, running, rolling iron, etc., but the effect of health training is extremely good.

People’s quality of life is greatly reduced, which leads to inconvenient movement, fatigue, poor digestion, anorexia, poor energy, insomnia and forgetfulness.

The physical examination showed that the heart was healthy, the pulmonary capillary fibrosis disappeared, and the breast nodules disappeared.

Standing on a stake is not standing on a stake, nor is it a squatting horse step.

Case 2 coordinates Yanzhou, Shandong, Zhanghua, railway employee.

Before practicing the limitless Tai Chi stake, in February and June, we used German professional testing instruments three times to track and monitor the health status.

Poor cardiac venous return leads to pulmonary ground glass fibrosis.

A person who practices the limitless Tai Chi stake skill will stand for a while according to the essentials every day, and his body will start to heat up and his Qi and blood will become active; After a while, the life energy began to grow and run more forcefully in the meridians, causing some parts to feel “sour, numb and swollen”.

Practice the limitless Tai Chi stake skill, replenish the vitality of the body, make up for the deficit, and rebuild the foundation of the body.

Xiao Ming, senior executive of the company.

There are nodules in the breast.

For ordinary people, at the age of 86, they are in their twilight years, suffering from all kinds of diseases, deafness and dizziness, and have difficulty moving.

Lack of energy, fatigue and sleepiness; Cervical spine around shoulder, long-term pain.

Joint problems such as cervical vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, periarthritis of shoulder and wear of knee.

Zhaojilong, the founder of Wuji Tai Chi, has a stronger body than ordinary people through advanced internal skills, professional practitioners, martial artists and health practitioners.

The Qi and blood energy are increased, the Yang Qi of the whole body is improved, the meridians are unblocked, and the body is more fully nourished; Then, the small stove inside the body began to burn, and the “wind, cold, wet, turbid” and other ill gases in the body were discharged through sweating, burping, exhaust, etc.

In the standing state, adjust the body frame, cooperate with the internal mental skill, and let the body and mind enter a special state.

Zhengqiangqiang, Professor of Peking Union Medical College, vice president of China Medical Education Association, medical leader.

Even generals who have gone through hundreds of battles on the battlefield can only practice the primary strength of internal boxing or pure external strength Kung Fu.

Before the stake work, only the sacrum was healthy; After 2 months, the energy reaches the waist; For half a year, he rose to the thoracic vertebra, and his spinal health was improved in an all-round way.

If the skill is good enough, “body, mind and spirit” will be developed.

Case 4 coordinates Wenzhou, wenpengfei, manager of medical institution.

What is a stake? Standing pile, a unique exercise method of Chinese people, is highly praised by Taoist cultivation, internal martial arts and health preservation of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, Professor zhengqiangqiang, at the age of 86, can still hold his post in full spirit.

If the root cause of the disease is not solved, the problem will become more and more serious, the cost will be more and more, and the body will be more and more painful..

Common sub-health: asthenia, night sweats, kidney deficiency, cold hands and feet, cold body; Dyspepsia, constipation, frequent urination and nocturia; Chronic fatigue, asthma, dizziness, forgetfulness and insomnia; Irritability, depression, tension, lack of spirit, procrastination, etc.

If the electric power of the electric appliance is insufficient, although it can be barely maintained, its performance has been greatly reduced.

Monitoring summary: the cervical spine with low energy recovered to normal after practicing stake skill; For the lumbar vertebrae and thoracic vertebrae in the original medium state, the health level will be greatly improved after persistent exercise.

He attributed this to the practice of Wuji Tai Chi standing on piles.

Increasing fatigue, sub-health, diabetes.

After one month of practicing Wuji Tai Chi standing pile, the sleep quality is improved, the mental state is improved, the energy and physical strength are abundant, the smoking cessation is successful, and the blood sugar is good.

Standing on a stump is translated into modern Chinese as “standing like a stump”.

Zhaojilong, founder of Wuji Tai Chi, said that one stop is better than one hundred movements, and one stop is better than one hundred exercises.

The limitless Tai Chi students stand at the stake to expel the cold and dampness, practice the limitless Tai Chi stake skill, improve their energy, supplement their Qi and blood, improve their physical quality from the inside out, become more energetic, have a clearer mind, make more wise decisions, and live a more relaxed and happy life.

Exercise rehabilitation, physiotherapy, pain relievers, closed needle pain relievers and other methods are used to alleviate symptoms, but not the root cause.

Superior internal skills and internal boxing have been luxury since ancient times, and are only mastered by a very few people, such as practitioners in deep mountains and caves, Taoist priests who don’t see outsiders in the backyard of Taoist temples, and princes in the palace.

Say goodbye to weakness and go strong.

They can do nothing except eat and sleep.

Their Qi and blood are more vigorous and their energy is more abundant, so as to prolong life and even reverse aging.

Frequent social intercourse, excessive smoking and drinking, nervousness and anxiety, staying up late for years.

By KingWay