As stated in the title, in fact, if obese people can really persist in running, they can probably lose weight.

Today, I will focus on a few successful weight loss examples.

Recently, there were a large number of successful people in Shanghai who introduced their experiences after the closure.

calf sleeves running

You can see this link: after starving for 4 months, your skin disease has recovered and your height has increased! There are many ways to lose weight, control weight, and not be too fat.

So I dialecticed from my own professional point of view, and then developed a prescription from experience, focusing on eliminating turbidity and ventilation, soothing the liver and gallbladder; Rhubarb, tangerine peel, jiaosanxian, radish seed, bergamot, Cyperus root, Alisma orientalis and other drugs were mainly used.

After reading it, I laughed loudly; But when you think about it carefully, if this person is born stupid, he is naturally not very smart and doesn’t like learning.

But most people still don’t like to be called pigs.

People tend to have a desire to eat that is far greater than the real ability of the spleen and stomach to digest.

What is left is perseverance and some skills.

We have previously introduced the benefits of Shanggu.

From the perspectives of strengthening the spleen, invigorating Qi, resolving phlegm, benefiting water, helping Yang, soothing the liver, and so on, it can help the human body restore balance and lose weight smoothly.

Another health care lover of traditional Chinese medicine felt that he had spleen deficiency and his small stomach was fat.

God didn’t reward this bowl of rice.

If he still insists on reading, I’m afraid it’s against his nature and is difficult for others.

This person is a traditional Chinese medicine, For a while, I felt that my physique was declining, my body was getting fat, and I wandered around the edge of a middle-aged greasy uncle.

We don’t despise pigs.

After talking about it in detail, I can write a book.

Today, I won’t talk about the general principles and the specific treatment and weight loss of traditional Chinese medicine.

He insisted on taking ginseng and Astragalus membranaceus to replenish qi.

As we have introduced before, interested readers can pay attention to this account (looking up to Qihuang on wechat official account) and directly reply in the dialog box of official account: Baohe Pill has persisted for almost two months, from the perspective of soothing the liver, dredging the viscera and promoting water, Let the body return to the state before getting fat without exercising or reducing food.

He insisted for a month or so.

He had some symptoms of qi deficiency, and was prone to fatigue and laziness.

There are two reasons for this.

I will give you a reference.

We can’t control ugly and reading, but obesity and health problems can be controlled.

First, they focused on overcoming difficulties, reversing the trend of body weight gain, and then they focused on taking Baohe Pill, a Chinese patent medicine.

The main reason was that during the period of closure and control of the epidemic at home, activities were reduced, consumption was reduced, and eating and drinking outside was directly reduced to zero.

One day, he said excitedly that when sitting on the toilet, he obviously felt that there was less fat on his stomach, and he was dissatisfied with the whole hand.

One is ugly, the other is greedy and fat.

Maybe I can get on my way: first, I will talk about a professional example.

This is the way to lose weight by reducing appetite and controlling diet.

It felt very refreshing, which was also a major gain of the epidemic.

This is from the perspective of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, Strengthen exercise to lose weight; Another health care enthusiast introduced his experience: Moxibustion at key points of the spleen meridian, such as Zhongwan and yinlingquan, reported that after one week, he quickly lost 3-4 kg of meat.

He might as well change to ugly and read more.

When sitting on the toilet, he felt that the fat on his stomach could swing down.

The important thing is: you have to find a method that suits you.

All living beings are equal.

It is normal life, but it is very exquisite in the professional ability of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, we readers who pay attention to health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine may need to consider this issue more comprehensively.

Welcome to the end of the article.

Today, let’s talk about the topic of fat people losing weight.

His temperament and ability will improve.

Since the inborn embryo is not good-looking, he can still read more the day after tomorrow.

Recently, I saw an interesting doggerel.

A considerable number of people reduced their meals from three to four a day to two.

The original saying was that “people who are fat run frequently and stupid read more”.

After the closure, many people said that they had nothing to do, so they ate less, and successfully lost at least 10 kg of meat.

By KingWay