Therefore, we believe that materials such as activated carbon that are easy to absorb energy or substances from the external environment are “active”.

It is really “general” counterclockwise running rather than “all” counterclockwise running..

If you rub rosin on the bow hair, you will leave powder on the bow hair.

For example, activated alumina is also loose and porous, with a large surface area.

Although when the air volume is small, it will release the same amount of water and inhale more times than when the air volume is large, the difference between the two will not be too large due to the influence of some other complex factors.

Chemical activation: immerse carbonized materials in chemicals, such as acid, strong alkali, etc.

Structural diagram of smart seat [1] we can qualitatively look at the relationship between air pressure and volume through the ideal gas equation: when there is more water in the bucket and less air (that is, V is small), a slight drop in the water surface can lead to a sharp drop in the air pressure in the bucket, so as to suck in air for many times.

The larger the remaining air volume, the less bubbles.

D.q4 why does running on the playground generally run counterclockwise rather than clockwise? By anonymous answer: the question is very accurate.

December 19, 2007 byfreelanceQ.

Its essence is also a kind of carbon.

Photo source: wiki for common light, amber and dark rosin, dark rosin is softer, suitable for cool and dry weather and Cello; The light colored rosin is harder and denser, which is suitable for hot and humid weather, Violin and viola.

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However, the biggest difference between activated carbon and other ordinary carbon is that it has a larger surface area, similar to the difference between popcorn and corn kernels.

When the bow pulls the string, the string moves towards the bow direction due to the viscosity of rosin between the bow hair and the string.

Reference: activated carbon yjyq E.

Rosin is a solid form of resin obtained from pine and other plants such as conifer.

Some companies add precious metals to their rosin formula, such as gold, silver, lead, silver and copper, to change the static friction and produce different timbre quality.

On the contrary, when the bucket is almost empty, the air accounts for most of the volume (that is, V is relatively large).

Physical activation: put the carbonized raw material into high-temperature oxidizing gas, and generate pores through the reaction of oxidizing gas with carbon atoms and some impurity atoms.

It is not only a good catalyst and catalyst carrier, but also a strong water remover.

Picture of activated carbon under electron microscope source: wiki activated carbon is produced in two ways.

The result of using the smart seat is that the water dispenser can be discharged continuously, and when the pressure difference between the air pressure in the bucket and the atmospheric pressure reaches a certain value, an appropriate amount of air will be inhaled from the outside, that is, it will be released with the sound of “grunt”.


It is said that copper rosin creates a warm and velvety soft tone, gold rosin produces a warm and clear tone, silver rosin creates a concentrated and bright tone, and lead silver rosin produces a fresh performance tone (small static friction changes will affect the subtle changes of tone, which may be realized by real musicians or listeners 😓)。 Reference: how to choose the right rosin for your stringed instrument rosin byjita Q E.


If you touch the first mock examination with your hand, you will feel sticky.

How much youth do we have left on the rubber track in our school days? But why do we often run counterclockwise instead of clockwise? Q1 why does the violin sound fuller after rosin is applied to the violin string? Byvanitas A: the influence of rosin on timbre should start with the static friction of rosin.

The “activity” of activated carbon here refers to its large surface area, strong adsorption capacity and easy adsorption of fine particles and molecules.


The water surface needs to drop a lot to significantly reduce the gas pressure in the bucket, so it needs to receive more water to absorb a bubble.

So why do we call some substances “active”? Literally, “activity” refers to the nature of vitality, activity and easy response.

Taking the water dispenser with smart seat as an example, the specific structure of smart seat is not introduced much.

Running should be one of the most popular sports.

Regardless of the rupture of bubbles in the rising process, the actual measurement can take a familiar “grunt” sound as a bubble.

What is the difference between activated carbon and carbon? Why are some substances “active”? A: activated carbon is a kind of carbon widely used to filter pollutants in water and air.

References: [1] Watson Enterprise Co., Ltd Water dispenser: China, cn200710006311.9 [P].

Until the viscosity breaks, the string will bounce back and vibrate.

One gram of unactivated charcoal has a surface area of only 2.0-5.0 square meters.

Acid or strong base will react with impurities, which will corrode the carbonized material and produce many pores.

Rosin produced by different companies has exclusive and confidential formulas.

Wiki activated carbon has many nm sized pores, and the surface area of a gram of activated carbon can even exceed 3000 square meters.

Some other resins and materials will be added in the production process.

Different rosin produces different static friction, which affects the timbre of musical instruments.

D.q2 why does the bucket on the water dispenser emit many and small bubbles after a long time when the water is full, and when the water in the bucket bottoms out, there will be few and large bubbles after a short time when the water is connected? Is this related to the pressure of the water? A: This is mainly related to the air volume in the bucket.

By KingWay