The impact of running economy on running performance is very obvious.

Runners with high economy usually don’t leave their feet too high off the ground during running, so they can save energy when their back feet step forward.

For those runners who don’t understand the economy of running, whether running at a constant speed or sprinting, they will consume a lot of oxygen, resulting in an increase in their breathing rate, a faster heartbeat and extreme fatigue.

This can better control the forward potential energy of the body and minimize the braking resistance.


When taking the next step forward, the hind foot often swings outward, which is a mistake often made by many runners.

Therefore, runners with high body fat content need more oxygen during running, and the economy of running is low.

The influencing factors of running economy for running economy, running posture and weight play a decisive role.

This will make the runner’s body unstable, consume the body’s forward potential energy, and waste energy and oxygen unnecessarily.

Overweight people, especially those with high body fat, often need to bear more weight and consume more energy during running.

How to improve the running economy? If two people run at the same speed, the person with low running economy must stop first than the person with high running economy.

They can speed up in an instant, but the energy consumption is too high.


The impact of running economy when different runners run at the same speed, the energy consumed is different, and it also determines how much oxygen the muscles need to consume in running.

Rotation in the process of running, rotation will waste more physical energy, and it is difficult to keep in a straight line and run effectively.

Runners who master running skills and low energy consumption will maximize their running economy, consume less oxygen, store energy as much as possible and avoid overwork.

Jumping in the vertical direction is of no help to the forward potential energy of the body, which will unnecessarily consume physical energy and reduce the economy of running.

Compared with those who have mastered running skills and low energy consumption, people who do not know much about running skills or have a high body fat content consume more oxygen and energy, but are less efficient and pay a higher price.

Today, I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the economy of running and the methods to improve the economy of running, so that runners can run farther, faster and easier.

To achieve this goal, improving the economy of running is one of the more scientific methods.

At the same speed, the lower your heart rate, the lower your oxygen uptake, and the easier you run, indicating that your running economy is better.

Long distance runners tend to be lighter and consume the lowest energy in the process of running.


What is running economy? Running economy refers to the situation of saving physical strength and energy during running.

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If you run like this, you need to consume additional energy to overcome the resistance and generate forward potential energy.


Middle and long distance runners need to maintain a certain speed for a certain period of time, which will produce “oxygen debt” and consume energy.

Therefore, in the process of running, the body should avoid vertical displacement.

The angle of the body: relax and lean forward slightly, which is the best trunk posture and the best position of the body’s center of gravity in the process of running.

Therefore, in terms of running economy, the running method of long-distance runners is the most effective and economical.


Foot landing during running, if the foot landing position is too far away from the body, it will produce braking action.

For more details on scientific running, please refer to running Science: technical, physical, nutritional and rehabilitation guidance for optimizing runners’ performance.

Rotation requires the body to maintain a more stable running posture, which requires more physical energy and lower running economy.

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In order to improve the economy of running, we recommend the parts that every runner needs to exercise, so that you can run more easily.

This resistance must be overcome before connecting to the forward movement.

Athletes who are good at sprinting often have developed muscles and strong explosive power.

The height of the back foot.

Front knee flexion if the knee joint is straightened during running, there will be resistance at the moment when the foot contacts the ground.

They want to improve their running level and run farther, faster and easier.

Therefore, when running, pay attention to the stride not to be too large, and the foot can fall in front of the body.

In the process of long-term running, many runners will study the scientific theories related to learning running.


The above contents are from running science and runner’s diary, which are authorized by the people’s Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House.


By KingWay