It’s no wonder that after cycling and running, there are always people who ride a bike and then run.

It’s good to have practiced.

Muscle contraction when running, the muscle needs to do centrifugal contraction at some time.

Probably only when it’s off-season.

The resistance of the bicycle, in terms of 300 watts and 100 rpm, is only about 30 kg.

Muscle contraction strength running is different from walking in that running has a period of two feet taking off, and you can only push with one foot.

Therefore, if the muscle contraction is good, as long as the push is poor with some anti gravity and running, you may have to bear all the weight or even higher.

If you fight gravity excessively, your body’s center of gravity will change more up and down, which is very laborious.

Gravity running is a weight-bearing exercise, so how you fight gravity is very important.

In terms of the pendulum, it may only move in the middle of 5-8 o’clock.

When you are in good condition, you can feel the strong push of gluteal muscle contraction.

The goal of cycling and running is to find the coordination of actions, and there is no conflict between the two goals.

There is no feeling of knee resistance or tension, and you can’t feel the obvious brake.

Even uphill, it is driven upward by rotation.

If you run continuously, it will be better.

But cycling is easier than running.

seamless bandana

If this can be done, it seems that the connection between running and cycling will be easier and will not affect cycling due to running.

The more anti gravity, the greater the force.

It is impractical to train the muscles of cycling by running.

If you just ride a bike and run once every two weeks, the more obvious the impact.

These phenomena may be the problem of action mode or centrifugal contraction.

My own feeling is a bit like braking, which is most obvious when running downhill or trail.

If you have problems adapting to high-intensity riding when cycling, maybe running will help.

Sometimes, running is not good.

When you can lean your pelvis forward and sit your butt back, you feel that the position of lower limb movement will move back.

When running, if your pelvis leans back, the center of gravity of the whole person will fall back.

When cycling, the anterior tibialis and quadriceps only contract centripetally; When running, after the heel touches the ground, the anterior tibial muscle and quadriceps will have a short centrifugal contraction to absorb the impact of the ground.

You always feel that your feet run forward and the position of your lower limbs is relatively forward.

In terms of the pendulum, it is about eight to four o’clock.

Joint activity position when running, the activity position of the hip is between 40 degree flexion and 15 degree extension.

Because the resistance of bicycle is small and the muscle contraction can be faster, it can easily step on 100-110 and last for a long time.

When your feet run forward, the center of gravity can still drag behind.

On bicycles, muscles only contract centripetally.

If you can have 100-110, it’s already the level of players, and you can only run short distances.

Because the joint position is different, the muscle length will be different, which will affect the muscle contraction.

Maybe cycling is too little…

Sports training is specific, that is, running is the best way to improve.

You will feel that you are pulled hard above your knees.

Generally, when running, your heart beats faster than that of a bicycle.

It is actually found that after running 10 kilometers at a time, it will have an impact on cycling the next day.

The number of steps vs speed when ordinary people run, the number of steps is about 70-80 per minute, and the frequency of one foot is about 90.

Bicycle is a movement against resistance, and the factor of gravity is less obvious.

Cyclists generally do not include running as training in the season.

But running can maintain cardiopulmonary function.

When cycling, the active position of the hip is about 90 degrees flexion, and there is no extension of the hip between 90 degrees flexion and 30 degrees flexion.

The soles of your feet roll across the ground like an arc, the center of gravity jumps up and down less, and the pace will become larger.

In this way, the brake force track becomes heavier, the knee bends down obviously, and the greater the pressure between the knee and the front of the tibia, the smaller the step is.

By KingWay