“The road to simplicity” is the wisdom of being a man.

It is so simple that it can be understood in a sentence or two.

Indifference is a sign of ambition, and tranquility is a sign of distance.

The road is simple, and life is also simple.

Therefore, merit and benefit should not be flocked to; Don’t be burdened with fame and wealth.

From seeing mountains as mountains to seeing mountains as mountains, the realm is different.

Jane is not only a kind of supreme beauty, but also a kind of ability and a kind of realm.

This is the true realm.

It is profound when it is simple.

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The simplicity of the road is the law of the development of all things in the universe, the essence of Chinese culture, the philosophy of Chinese Taoism, and the great truth.

When people cultivate to a certain extent, they will be indifferent to some things and be simple.

Coix seed, white lentil, Amomum villosum and tangerine peel are used to regulate qi and stomach and benefit dampness, tonify the spleen and stomach, and benefit dampness.

In such a state of purity, selflessness and the unity of heaven and man, you don’t need long skills, but your skills are naturally long; Do not seek medical treatment, physical and mental natural adjustment; Without seeking function, the function appears naturally; You don’t ask for the big and small weeks, the hundred veins are naturally unblocked, and the most profound truth is the simplest and most common truth.

Ginseng, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala and licorice are used to replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and keep the middle.

Running for 3 kilometers, Qi and blood run, breathing is accelerated, sweat holes begin to open, sweat exudes, and the upper anxious heart and lungs are trained.

See through, do not say through, high realm; Hazy look, heart penetrating; Being transparent, knowing the unknown and deliberately not seeing through is thorough; Knowing that things in the world cannot be seen through is to see through.

Guizhi Decoction is the first prescription in Treatise on febrile diseases, one of the four classics of traditional Chinese medicine.

Returning complicated things to simplicity requires wisdom, ability and determination.

For cold hands and feet, cold back and other symptoms can be significantly improved; Because running makes Qi and blood go up and dredge collaterals, neck, shoulder and back pain will also improve; Mild occasional palpitations, dizziness and headache can also be improved.

This is an advanced state of nature and simplicity.

Some studies have shown that after running for more than half an hour, the body begins to accelerate the burning of fat for energy, so running for 5 kilometers for a long time will help to lose weight.

Persisting in running for 3 kilometers for a long time can promote the lung and stabilize the heart, warm the meridians and dissipate cold, circulate Qi and dredge collaterals, and nourish yin and Yang.

It is mainly used to Treat Spleen Deficiency and excess dampness.

Shenling Baizhu powder is derived from the prescription of Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau.


These effects are very similar to the effect of Guizhi Decoction in traditional Chinese medicine.

Long distance running requires not only the strength of leg muscles, but also the use of lumbar and abdominal muscles, including abdominal muscles, spine erector muscles, iliopsoas muscles, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles, to stabilize the pelvis and spine.

Torture the soul is the ultimate problem of human beings.

Based on the addition and subtraction of Guizhi Decoction, a series of Guizhi Decoction can be obtained, which can treat the diseases of internal, external, women and children, such as disharmony of Qi and blood and imbalance of camp and health.

Wise people like the simplicity of the road.

Effect of running 5km (medium coke spleen and stomach): strengthen the spleen and stomach (Shenling Baizhu powder), which is similar to the effect of Shenling Baizhu powder.

2、 Run 5K: “Shenling Baizhu powder” runs 5K (5 ~ 6km depending on people).

In fact, people are not understanding but identifying.

This prescription is based on Sijunzi Decoction.

The avenue is simple, invisible and impossible.

If you understand, you will not be confused.

Guizhi Decoction is good at relieving muscle, harmonizing camp and health, drinking hot porridge after taking medicine to help the medicine, “it’s better for those who are sweating all over the body”.

With the extension of time, you sweat more and exercise more cardiorespiratory.

Therefore, it can also treat cold hands and feet, cold vest, dizziness and headache, which is similar to the effect of running for 3 kilometers.

You can understand others, but others may not understand you.

It is the simplest and the most sophisticated.

We should be simple, do things in a down-to-earth manner, and turn difficulties into simplicity with wisdom..

Enlightenment is simple when it is profound.

The waist is the house of the kidney.

The so-called “true transmission of a word, false transmission of thousands of books”.

It is composed of Guizhi, peony, licorice, jujube and ginger.

The meaning of life lies in simplicity.

At the same time, a large number of sweat and moisture are discharged through exercise, which can improve the symptoms of heavy body sleepiness, limb fatigue, mild edema of lower limbs, poor appetite, gastrointestinal discomfort, loose stool, insomnia and so on.

Deep breathing drives the rise and fall of the diaphragm.

3、 Run 10K: run 10K with “Jinkui Shenqi Pill” (8-10k for different people).

Refined in heart, simple in form.

Although Guizhi Decoction is mainly used for treating wind cold and cold, it is actually the basic recipe for harmonizing Yin and Yang and Ying and Wei.

Although the process is very painful, you will feel more energetic after running.

If you are thorough, you will not be thorough.

Yin and yang are harmonious, camp and health are solid, and it is not easy to catch a cold.

The greatest man is noble only because he is simple.

Running looks like lower limb exercise, but in fact it exercises the whole body and also regulates the internal organs.

“At the beginning of all things, the road is simple and the evolution is complex” comes from Laozi’s Tao Te Ching.

Running for 10 kilometers for a long time can tonify the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones.

To be a man and do things, we need wisdom to turn a complex thing into simplicity.

It plays a good massage role on the organs of the abdominal cavity, especially for the spleen and stomach of the middle coke, which is helpful to strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Running for a long distance involves the lower Jiao liver and kidney.

One rise and one fall is like one of the techniques.

Because the lower limbs do not exercise intermittently, it can drive the blood circulation of the whole body, cooperate with regular breathing, and mediate the physical and mental state.

Confucianism and Taoism attach great importance not only to the realm of life, but also to the realm of life.

Effect of running for 3 kilometers (focusing on heart and lung): harmonizing Ying and Wei, harmonizing Yin and Yang (Guizhi Decoction).

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver governs the tendons and the kidney governs the bones.

For long-term runners, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, running at different distances is like different traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, which are effective.

From simple to complex, and then from complex to simple, it is sublimation.

running for 3 kilometers: “Guizhi Decoction” traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lung governs the skin and the pores open and close; The heart is blood in the pulse and sweat in the fluid.

By KingWay