After 5 ~ 10 minutes of preparatory activities, you can fully exercise the large muscle groups and main links, and the body is slightly sweating.

Improper diet, the type of food to supplement energy before running and the time of intake may be related to Chaqi.

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Landing on the left foot can reduce the impact of the right diaphragm, and runners can experience it in practice.

The diaphragm is located in the diaphragm (between the chest and abdominal cavity), which determines the breathing state during running.

This is the same reason that when exercising, the action frequency is too fast and leads to local muscle cramps.

As long as you can keep exercising all the time, the probability of “Chaqi” will gradually decrease with your persistence.

Eat selectively before running.

When the internal tissue of the body does not adapt to the movement of the body, with the increase of human exercise intensity, muscle spasm occurs due to fatigue.

The breathing method is wrong.

Some studies have shown that drinking fruit juice before exercise may lead to “fork gas”.

The repeated stretching of the ligament will cause the spasm of the diaphragm and lead to the occurrence of bifurcated breath.

What we need to do now is to apply the right medicine to the case and take preventive measures before running.

When increasing the depth of breathing, if you breathe indiscriminately, have no rules, do not grasp the breathing rhythm well, breathe too shallow and breathe too fast, it will undoubtedly make the respiratory muscles tired quickly, and spasm will be caused by too frequent contraction and relaxation of the respiratory muscles.

What should we do after the bifurcation? If the bifurcation has occurred, in less serious cases, we can try to do the following four steps first: slow down the movement speed and action amplitude, hold down the painful part, take a deep breath, adjust the rhythm of breathing and action, bend down and jog for a distance, and the pain will generally disappear.

Generally speaking, most people exhale when their left foot steps out, and a few exhale when their right foot steps out.

When running, people usually change their breath every two or four steps.

Because the right lung is relatively large, the contraction range of the right diaphragm during breathing is large, so it is more sensitive to impact and involvement.

If you exhale when the right foot steps out, the diaphragm will move up, while the liver will fall due to the step out of the right foot.

The liver is located below the right side of the chest.

Correct running posture, correct breathing rhythm, and slow acceleration of the movement process.

How to avoid bifurcations as much as possible? The above has mentioned several factors that cause bifurcations.

Why do you always have a bifurcation when you run? After research, Jordan METZL, a sports medical doctor, believes that the most likely cause of bifurcation is diaphragm spasm.

Before training or competition, you should do a good job of preparatory activities.

If the intestinal disease is sustained, please consult the doctor in time.

If the pain does not disappear or worsen after the above steps, stop the exercise and seek medical treatment.

This posture of bending down running will increase the weight of the abdomen and stimulate the nerves connecting the abdomen, which will make the abdomen more painful.

Many runners should have experienced this experience: “it’s not the distance or pace that beats me, but the fork in the air.” Running bifurcation is the most common phenomenon of runners when running.

But don’t give up exercise because you are afraid of “Chaqi”.

In this way, the probability of “bifurcation” will be greatly reduced at the beginning of exercise.

On the contrary, when the left foot steps out, the probability of bifurcation of exhalation is much reduced.

Incorrect running posture, and some sports experts believe that running posture is related to the generation of bifurcation.

In the book “the lore of running” written by Mr.

Check to see if you’re doing the same: most of the reasons for insufficient warm-up or sudden speed-up running are related to insufficient warm-up before exercise.

Therefore, the reason why you often get angry when running is that your diaphragm is under too much pressure and produces fatigue or cramps.

running waist packs

Before exercise, avoid high-fat and high fiber diet and don’t drink fruit juice.

However, it should be noted that do not be too deliberate, because deliberate control may aggravate respiratory muscle tension and spasm, but cause bifurcation.

Water intake during running follows the principle of small amount and multiple times to reduce the burden on the intestines and stomach.

Find the wrong breathing pattern as early as possible and correct it in time.

Warm up before running and avoid starting too fast.

When inhaling, the diaphragm contracts, which lowers the diaphragm and increases the volume of the thoracic cavity, so as to inhale more air; When exhaling, the diaphragm relaxes and the diaphragm rises, accelerating the discharge of gas from the lungs.

Tim Noakes, a sports scientist, it is mentioned that “when you feel abdominal pain during running, you can avoid it by breathing when your left foot falls to the ground.” Specifically, only when the left foot falls to the ground, inhale and exhale.

Tip: although “Chaqi” is a minor disease.

In addition, when the body has not adapted, a sudden sharp acceleration will also cause bifurcation, which is more common among new runners.

We can avoid bifurcations by taking some effective preventive measures before running.

There is also a little trick.

Whenever there is a bifurcation, I often stop because of unbearable pain, which leads to a hasty end before I run for a kilometer (it’s really not because I don’t want to run).

In addition, if you overeat and your body is still digesting food during running, the blood in the diaphragm will be reduced, resulting in cramps.

Sometimes it is better to be natural and relaxed.

Research shows that drinking high sugar and hypertonic drinks before or during running can lead to bifurcations.

It’s best to run at an interval of more than 1.5 ~ 2 hours after dinner.

However, attention must be paid to these situations.

Through sufficient preparatory activities, let the internal organs enter the state.

This can not only improve your running performance, but also experience the pure fun of running.

By KingWay