If you want to consume more fat, you should understand that fat is not only excreted by sweating, but also becomes carbon dioxide after consumption and is excreted through breathing.

When you run more and more persistently and don’t feel hungry after running, this is the instinct of the body to consume more fat.

On the contrary, running with low intensity, low heart rate and lasting is the better way to consume fat.

Therefore, if you want to make more use of fat energy during running, you should first slow down, reduce your heart rate and prolong the exercise time, so that the body can gradually adapt to fat energy supply, This will not only run faster, but also run longer and longer.

Friends who really lose weight by consuming fat are also more likely to develop a lean constitution and are not easy to rebound.

camel pack running

Therefore, fat consumption requires more oxygen participation and high heart rate, Running out of breath cannot consume more fat.


Talking about running fat reduction from a scientific point of view, how can we make more use of fat for energy during running? The human body can only run farther and longer by using fat for energy supply.

By KingWay