Well, if I can do things for two days in a day, isn’t it equivalent to that I spent two weekends, and my weekends are twice as long as others.

After going home, I don’t delay going out with my family at the weekend.

On average, it takes at least 40 minutes of running every day.

He always got up at 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning to run and came back before his family got up.

It won’t be hot into a dog, and you won’t want to drink water all the way.

I feel very efficient.

Runners must have this experience.

So runners have formed a magical schedule to run while everyone is sleeping.

The threshold of running is about 200 kilometers a month.

Let’s elaborate on the best advantages just mentioned.

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Running takes too much time.

According to the calculation of integrity 6 distribution, it takes 1200 minutes a month, that is, 20 hours.

Every day you rest, you have to run for 40 minutes the next day, that is, 1 hour and 20 minutes.

This is only the time after running, not counting the time to change clothes, arrive at the running track, walk home, wash clothes and take a bath.

Interestingly, this time in the morning, in addition to the fatal advantage of one vote veto, which will not affect the weekend schedule, has many advantages.

For example, if you need to buy vegetables or breakfast at home, you can buy them on the way back.

You can even insist on not drinking water all the way.

For example, this time point is very cool.

For example, although there are few people on the road at this point, you can see all kinds of people, people who have a hangover and vomit on the roadside, foreigners who have been high all night, sanitation workers, people who buy vegetables and people who sell vegetables.

As we all know, running a marathon requires a lot of running.

Su Shi said to Su Zhe: did you find it? If you do nothing all day, you will feel that this day has passed for a long time, just like two days.

I remember listening to a sharing meeting before.

Whether you go out to play or go out to eat, it will become a kind of adjustment after running, just like adjusting an original bright picture to be brighter.

Li Bin said that before every race, he had to perform well at home and do more housework for a long time before he could go to the race smoothly.

If I am in good condition, I can go earlier.

Li Bin, the great God of super cross-country race that has run hundreds of kilometers several times, shared his experience of preparing for the race with Song Yu.

At this time, if you add morning running to the weekend, it will not only have an impact on the original plan, but also add a lot to the whole plan.

Since May Day this year, I have been running around the city wall with my friends around 6 o’clock on holidays.

When there are many plans for the weekend, it is already an interesting weekend in itself.


I can go home before 8 o’clock for about 15 kilometers and an hour and a half.

And you can’t rest 30 days a month.

Moreover, he never trained after 6 o’clock or 7 o’clock in the morning.

If you do this every day, your life expectancy will double.

To put it more simply, you will see people who are completely different from other periods of time, which can be said to be another world.

This is also a way to increase life.

By KingWay