In many studies, it is found that there is a direct correlation between human oxygen consumption and heat generation.

This greatly facilitates the research.

Many studies have shown that a person with average weight burns about 100 calories per mile.

No matter how fast you run, the amount of calories burned by running a kilometer is basically certain.

Every liter of oxygen you consume will burn you 5 calories.”, Craig broeder, a researcher at the University of Northern Illinois.

“Even when you’re at rest, you’ll always have energy expenditure.

The so-called basic metabolism is the energy we consume just sitting and panting to stay alive.

Although technically, when we talk about diet and training, A calorie is a “large calorie” = 1000 calories.

After a fast run, your heart rate and respiratory intensity will increase greatly.

In English, a large calorie is written as “calories”.

How many calories can running burn? It seems that this problem can be concluded through simple calculation, but the actual situation is not as simple as it seems.

David Swain, a professor of training science at the University of o’domingo No matter how fast or slow you run, the calories burned per kilometer are basically the same.

This is an additional consumption in addition to the basic metabolism.

For example, in the case of walking, the previous empirical formula of 100 calories a mile is no longer applicable.

A study shows that if you run at 80% VO2max and consume 720 calories, your basal metabolism will increase by 15% ~ 25% in 24 hours compared with 60% VO2max.

Of course, fast walking and jogging will have an equal point in energy consumption speed.

“It doesn’t matter how fast you run,” said Dr.

for this question, the simple answer is: running a mile consumes an average of 100 calories.

A study shows that walking a mile in 12 minutes consumes more energy than running a mile in 12 minutes.

A calorie is defined as the energy that raises a gram of water by one degree Celsius.

Many research tables It is clear that the higher the exercise intensity, the stronger the delayed combustion effect..

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What complicates the situation is that although running fast or slow won’t affect your energy consumption per kilometer, the energy burned after exercise is very different.

If you burn more fat, you can run faster.

The corresponding female data are 91 and 43 kcal.

“This is a basic metabolic formula.

“People who run fast will have more energy consumption for a period of time after exercise, and you won’t immediately return to rest,” broeder said.

But after moving at different speeds, the amount of heat the body burns spontaneously is very different.

“Walking and running are different exercise patterns and cannot be compared,” experts said Running is about bouncing your feet forward in turn to push your body forward, and when you walk, your feet won’t leave the ground at the same time.

Compared with “calorie”, the initial letter of a large calorie is capitalized, so over time, many people will easily confuse “large calorie” with “calories” “.

In fact, it is the result of having a person in the test room by measuring the temperature of the water around the test room.

If you’re heavier or you’re less efficient at running, that number will be higher.

However, if you run faster, you won’t burn more calories.

If you want to measure the amount of heat, you can only measure the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide produced.

Of course, there are complex answers to this question.

The researchers of Syracuse issued Now, men spend 105 kcal running a mile in 9.5 minutes and 52 kcal walking the same distance in 19 minutes.

It will take a long time for you to return to rest, so you’ll consume more energy than jogging.

By KingWay