It is not the style of runners to give up running, but it is really uncomfortable to run.

Never take a bath immediately after running.

Drinking cold drinks immediately will impose a great burden on the body, and it is very easy to cause damage to the heart, spleen and kidney, and even lead to sudden death.

Heat stroke is one of the most serious diseases caused by high temperature.

The more water in the body before running, the lower the risk of dehydration.

Dehydration is also one of the most common dangers of summer running.

severe cases may cause confusion, convulsion or even death.

Heat exhaustion is relatively serious.

Jilin running group has been paying close attention to Jilin running group’s wechat all the way to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

So don’t worry about running in summer: “why doesn’t the pace go up” and “how can you become a dog after running ten kilometers”? In a hot environment, the amount of exercise should be kept at 70-75% of the daily amount of exercise.

The most important thing is to pay attention to your heart rate and body feelings at any time.

As the metabolism process of the body is strengthened during exercise, the subcutaneous blood vessels dilate and sweat a lot, taking a bath at this time will make a lot of heat generated in the body can not be well distributed, form internal heat and external cooling, and destroy the balance of the human body, so it is easy to get sick.

A large amount of venous blood in the limbs will be deposited in the veins, and the heart will be ischemic, which is easy to cause accidents.

If you squat down to rest immediately after running, it will hinder the blood reflux of lower limbs! It will affect blood circulation, deepen body fatigue, and produce gravity shock in severe cases! Do not drink cold drinks immediately.

It is still safe for runners to lose 4% of their weight during exercise, but if they exceed this level, they are prone to dizziness, fatigue, nausea and other symptoms.

03 replenish water! Replenish water! Replenish water! Say important things three times! It is recommended to drink 500-800 ml of water one time 1-2 hours before running in hot weather.

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It is impossible to stop running because the weather is hot.

This is a normal reaction of body function under high temperature.

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Many runners find that their running pace in summer is much slower than that in other seasons, and they run hard.

After running, you can take a walk in a cool and ventilated place, then do some stretching, and timely supplement an appropriate amount of electrolyte and water to make perspiration smoother.

You can run for whitening water within 1 hour.

High temperature will significantly accelerate the metabolism of the human body and increase the load on the heart, Increased heart rate and significantly increased exercise risk.

Mild cases may have symptoms such as thirst, headache, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, nausea, etc.

When running at high temperature, people’s core temperature will rise, and the blood flowing to the skin will increase to help cool down, which will also lead to the decrease of blood flow in the muscle, and the oxygen supply to the muscle will also decrease, thus reducing the performance of the exercise; In addition, the loss of water and electrolytes will aggravate muscle fatigue, and it is impossible to continue running fast, so it is inevitable to reduce the pace.

After strenuous exercise, people’s heart rate will accelerate and capillaries will dilate, resulting in low blood pressure and insufficient blood supply to the brain.

In hot weather, the heart rate will rise significantly, which is related to the increased workload of the heart, sweating and other factors.

Get medical attention in time after heatstroke.

So what should we pay attention to when running in hot weather? 01 be alert to danger signals and always pay attention to your physical condition if you want to run safely in hot weather, you need to be alert to danger signals at all times, understand the symptoms of sports fever and pay close attention to your own condition.

Do a good job of buffering after the 04 run.

02 keep the heart rate rather than the pace, and reduce the amount of exercise appropriately.

Carry water through the running waist bag or running backpack.

Therefore, runners need to replenish enough water in time and make up for the lost water as soon as possible after running.

It is characterized by high fever, dry skin and central nervous system symptoms.

During the running process, replenish a small amount of water for many times.

Generally speaking, when the temperature exceeds 15 ℃, we will slow down by 6.25 seconds per kilometer for every 5.5 degrees.

You must not stop immediately after the long run, but do some buffering exercise.

Those who can keep running in hot summer are real runners! Admirable! But when you run, you must pay attention to your safety and lose your life! We remain neutral to the opinions in the article, and only share them with runners for reference and exchange.

If you run for more than 1 hour, you need to replenish sports drinks containing electrolytes; At the same time, the amount of water replenishment after exercise must be greater than the amount of sweat loss (equivalent to 150% – 200% of sweat loss), which can be based on the weight before and after exercise.

Do not squat down to rest immediately.

In case of heat exhaustion, runners should stop running immediately, hide in a cool place and replenish water as soon as possible.

Drink 80-100 ml of water each time.

It can lead to dehydration, headache, nausea and high core temperature rise.

Follow the wechat of Jilin running group to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ heat ҈ The hot weather is undoubtedly a great test for the majority of runners.

As soon as it is over, stop and rest.

By KingWay