The benefits of moderate exercise the scientific attitude towards exercise is “persistence and moderation”.

According to the size of the room, the walking speed can be changed from slow to fast for 15 ~ 30 minutes# Strength training # function: burn more calories, improve metabolic rate, maintain or even increase muscle.

It is suggested that in order not to cause bone and joint injury and high energy consumption, the middle-aged and elderly people are usually not suitable for short-term exercise with strong explosive force, but should choose low-intensity long-term exercise# Zhong Nanshan’s regimen # adheres to exercise # “exercise plays a key role in keeping me healthy.” This is the answer Zhong Nanshan has said most when asked by the media about the secret of keeping healthy for many years.



◆ unarmed exercise can do flat support, supine seat lifting, etc., which can exercise abdominal muscles and enhance core muscle groups.

His most respected way of health preservation is exercise, and he has been practicing it for many years and has never stopped exercising.

After exercise, there will be fire, sore throat, weakness, lack of concentration and other phenomena.


If there is no dumbbell at home, it can be replaced by a mineral water bottle with an appropriate amount of water# Stretching exercise # function: relieve the pain of cervical spine and low back.

Do it 3 ~ 5 times a day, 3 groups each time, 10 in each group.

◆ stretch and lie prone on the yoga mat, bend your arms and hold your hands under your shoulder joints; Keep your hips close to the cushion, slowly prop up your arms until your arms are straight, and slowly lift your torso up to maintain this position.

1、 Prevent coronary respiratory and metabolic diseases.


In order to avoid excessive fatigue caused by excessive exercise, people should exercise step by step and according to their ability.

◆ use simple instruments such as elastic bands and dumbbells.

Relieve stress and relieve mood.

For example, exercise 2-3 times a week, exercise once, rest for two or three days, and choose sports according to their age and physical condition.

If there is enough space, you can also turn back and run for about 15 minutes.

Reduce some calories in the body.

The harm of excessive exercise the biggest problem of excessive exercise is that it is easy to cause the decline of immunity, resulting in the occurrence of diseases.

seamless bandana

◆ walk back and forth in each room at home.

Do 2 groups every day, 10 times in each group.

Simple rowing practice can be carried out by using the elastic belt, that is, stand straight, step on the elastic belt with your feet, then put it on both sides of your body, and lift the elastic belt up with arm strength.

It is suggested that you do more exercise when you have time.

◆ treadmill if you have a treadmill at home, you can use the continuous intensity mode to control the running speed at 7 km / h for 0.5 ~ 1 hour, or use the intermittent mode of high and low intensity, such as running alternately for 3 minutes at 7 km / h (high intensity) and 5 km / H (low intensity) for 0.5 ~ 1 hour.

2 ~ 3 groups every day, with 20 seconds in each group and 30 seconds in each group.


Be able to strengthen your body.

[today’s topic: moderate exercise] how much exercise measures moderate exercise? Moderate exercise means that athletes choose appropriate sports according to their personal physical conditions, venues, equipment and climatic conditions, so that the sports load does not exceed the bearing capacity of the human body.

Moderate exercise is an important factor to maintain the coordination of mental and physical strength, prevent and eliminate fatigue, prevent sub-health and prolong life.

◆ sit on the bed or yoga mat with your feet together, your hands flat, and stretch forward as far as possible; 2 ~ 3 groups per day, 1 ~ 2 times per group.

Video screenshot of documentary “not old life · Zhong Nanshan” ↓↓ Zhong Nanshan proposed that running is one of the best ways to improve the physical quality and resistance of office workers and young students.

4、 Help to achieve and maintain the appropriate weight, help to achieve and maintain the appropriate body composition.

Production: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Health and Health Committee source: Baidu Encyclopedia..

When using dumbbells, do side flat lift, bending lift and other actions to enhance the strength of upper limbs.

☆ healthy lifestyle and behavior healthy lifestyle mainly includes four aspects: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and psychological balance.

If you don’t have a treadmill at home, you can jog through each room.

Prevent injury, reduce the incidence of sports injury and maintain good joint function.

In fact, Zhong Lao also proved his point of view with his own experience and practical actions# Exercise exerts the body’s extra calories # and strengthens the circulation of the body.

Reduce the incidence of cancer.

Sudden exercise after ten and a half months of inactivity is also easy to exercise too much, resulting in excessive fatigue.

Do 3-5 times a day, 3-5 groups each time, including 30 sit ups and 20-30 push ups.

By KingWay